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Hello my little Sith,

It's week three of Return to Vader’s Castle with the puntastically-titled Bop Sh’bop, Little Sarlacc Horror. Art is by the wonderful Nick Brokenshire, who has kindly offered to share his process art for the first page of our tentacle-filled tale.

Here's how it was put together...

Everything starts with the script, which in this case leaned heavily into pulp noir.

Here’s a little peek at what Nick received from yours truly:

From this, Nick provided layouts, sending them over to me, editor Denton and associate editor Elizabeth for notes…
After discussion, we went to pencils…

Followed by inks...

And finally colours…

You can see the final lettered page on my website!

I absolutely loved working with Nick on this issue and hope it’s not going to be our last time creating mayhem together, either in a galaxy far, far away or some place else. (HINT: We’re already working on something!)

That’s all for this week. Don’t forget if you have any questions about creating comics you can ask them by replying to this email or by heading over to the AMA section of my website

Until next time, stay safe.

Bristol - 15th October

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