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News from the Board Meeting Illustrated

October Fest!

Saturday, October 26 ~ 5 to 9 pm ~ 12th Floor

Come taste the 2019 Lanai Oktoberfestbraü made specially for the Lanai! Enjoy bratwurst, pretzels and other German delicacies! Listen to German music and dance a Polka! Limited edition Lanai Octoberfest mugs will be available.

Donations accepted and all proceeds will go to the Lanai rooftop improvement projects and future social events. Please sign up on the sheet posted on the manager's door so we can have an accurate count for food.


Green Thumbs

The Green Thumb gang could use help prepping the gardens for winter. They also keep the indoor plants going all winter. If you'd like to help, contact Kate at:

Kitchen Access Panels

We are ready to install access panels or re-drywall behind your stove (or in your lazy susan cabinet, or other locations where we accessed your gas pipes) if you want it repaired. When we fussed with the natural gas lines, we opened up access areas behind most stoves and we've left them open to make sure there were no additional challenges. We are now ready to close up those holes. In most cases we'll put in a small access panel. The work is not required, so it's up to you if you want it done or not. It's probably better to have it done. We won't go into any units without your cooperation in scheduling. Please call Joe in the office at 303-832-2188 during daytime hours to work out the best times for you.


Work Orders

I've written about this numerous times, but the culture of griping about the Lanai is firmly implanted in a small but vocal group here. As a reminder, complaining about the condition of the building is likely the LEAST effective thing you can do to help us improve the Lanai. Submitting a work order is likely the MOST effective. It takes less than one minute to fill out a work order on the front page of to bring our management team's focus onto things concerning you. You can also stick a note through the manager's door.

Some things take longer to address than others, but we have the right team working in the right direction to bring the Lanai back to being a first class high rise. Due to financial concerns, cosmetic items have largely been put off, but thanks to Lenny and a boatload of volunteer hours from others, we've been able to make many areas of the building look better with little or no money.

For those of you who get a charge from grumbling, as a reminder here's a partial list of improvements completed over the last few years:

  1. Carpet and paint on all resident floors
  2. New laundry room
  3. New flooring on the first and second floor
  4. Repeated painting in the lobby due to numerous construction projects
  5. New heating system
  6. New landscaping
  7. New pool heater
  8. New air conditioning motors
  9. Proper drainage for the upstairs bathrooms
  10. Upgraded lighting and emergency signs
  11. Additional cameras
  12. Upgrades to the garage fob system
  13. This month we'll replace 20-year-old elevator hardware
  14. This month we'll have a new bicycle room
  15. Comprehensive top to bottom check of every natural gas joint in the building
  16. Dozens of minor projects not interesting enough to list here

The priorities of this board and the boards from the last few years has been to pull this building out of extensive deferred maintenance. We have more to do and we'll get it done as the economics of the building improve again.


Two More Emails

I will be sending out two separate emails this weekend. One will be on a planned elevator outage and the other will be on next year's budget. You will need to know the information since it will affect your life.

Thanks for being a part of making the Lanai the best place in Capitol Hill.

Gary Jugert, Lanai Condominiums
Copyright © 2019 Lanai Condominiums, All rights reserved.

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