Hello Again Dear Friends,

Greeting Dear Ones.

I am connecting to you from Cyprus, as for most of the month of October I am here enjoying this special location.   After a very busy year, I am taking some time off to attend a three-week long Transference Healing Mystery School. This is an opportunity for me to take time out from my 'day to day' and really immerse myself in my spiritual practice and my own journey of self-healing. Also, I will be upgrading my energy and skills as a healing practitioner and teacher. I am so happy to be doing all of this in Cyprus, the home of much history, myth and vital energy.

The Universe has so many systems in place to support our beautiful earth and to support us energetically in our mind, body, spirit and emotions.  This month Gnome has come up for me; Spirit has encouraged me to tune into and connect with the gnomes of the earth. However, here I am in beautiful Cyprus staying by the sea, and I have been feeling a strong connection to the water elements. At the particular moment it seems that there is so much more water than land because of where I am staying, which is along the coast. A Gnome is an Earth Spirit and dwells in the earth; I find this to be interesting as here in Cyprus there are many people of Greek origin. The word Gnome is said to be associated with the Greek word gnosis meaning knowledge. Alexis Cartwright  Beyond Doorways, 2005 p. 135.

Gnome - The Earth Spirit
It is easy to think of and feel Gnomes in gardens, in forests, and in mountains where the earth is abundant. It’s a bit more challenging at least for me to find the gnomes in a lovely sea area where spirits and elementals of the water abound. So, this has been my challenge since coming to Cyprus to connect to the Gnomes, to feel their presence when a view of beautiful sparkling water is constantly near me.
I do know that the Gnomes are present here. As I look around more and turn away from the sea I observer that there are small patches of lush gardens and beautiful olive, palm, and bougainvillea trees. During my morning walks, I watch the gardeners trimming the lawns along the walkways and replacing small plants in the ground for ones that have blooms. These are very good signs for me that the Gnomes in Cyprus are alive and well. Gnomes are a key element to help the environment, to keep the earth alive, vibrant and well.  Gnomes do so much to support the earth; without them earth’s nature elements would not have the same vibrancy or be able to survive.

This month as you go along, take some time to connect to the healing energy of the Gnomes. How will you connect to them? Perhaps you can go sit quietly in a small park near where you live, or go to your backyard to sit quietly on your lawn or near your garden.  Perhaps it can be as simple as connecting to one of your indoor plants or bringing some flowers inside of your home to feel the beautiful craftsmanship of the gnomes. It may be that you want to bring pumpkins or squash or gourds inside or outside your home, giving thanks to the bounty of the harvest the gnomes helped create and sustain. Later this month I will check back in to see how you are doing, to share with you more more of my own observances about connecting with the gnomes, and provide you with an exercise to help you connect in to the magical kingdom of the gnomes.

For this trip to Cyprus I am offering a very unique opportunity for three people to experience this location with me, via an absentee Transference Healing session.

Why Cyprus?

Cyprus is an island situated in the middle of multiple and varied traveling sea routes. Many people have made Cyprus their home including Greeks, Turks, and Romans. Cyprus is known as the birthplace of Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty. Cyprus has a lot of copper in its ground; copper is a conductor of energy and helps us to receive the nourishing energies of Mother Earth. Copper also helps us to walk in balance with nature, and is a very good metal for channeling and enhancing stone energies. So, because of all these factors, the energy of Cyprus will be energetically supporting me during this trip.

For this trip, I am also offering a very unique opportunity for three people to experience this location with me, via an absentee Transference Healing session.

During an absentee healing session, I will call your own personal and unique energetic template in to where I am staying in Cyprus and I will be able to run an energy healing session on you, just as if you were present with me in the room. For you this means that you will be able to receive the benefit of the unique energetic grid of Cyprus, its ancient healing land and high vibrational natural elements, as it will be filtered into you, while we work together. In addition to facilitating the healing session, I will also give you feedback and insight into what I experienced in the session, offering guidance that comes through, helping you to keep moving forward in your journey.

This will be a hugely supportive process for anyone who feels stuck, stagnant, or who feels like they just need something new to help them move forwards in their life. Perhaps you have already been to Cyprus and love its culture and its beauty; maybe you have always wanted to go but have not quite been able to travel there yet. For whatever reason you may feel drawn to have a healing from Cyprus, I know it will be of great benefit and support to you, and this is why I am offering this opportunity and service.

The cost of this unique experience is $125 which includes 45 minutes of energy work and a 15-minute audio file feedback. As space is limited, please contact me direct via my email

I am looking forward to immersing myself in this journey, and I would love for you to join me also.

My intention with the healing work I facilitate is to offer experiences, events, profound healing and wisdom in support of your self-empowerment; to move through stressful experiences and to work towards that person that you would like to become.

Believe it or not, the reality is that we have the ability to become
"on the inside” that stable, balanced professional who has it all.
Blessings and Light,
Copyright © 2019 LyonHart Amrie, All rights reserved.

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