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Dear Friends of GIG,

We can't wait for our first ever DOTS in Nakuru, Kenya!

This month we are sharing news from Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, India, the Netherlands, Germany, Singapore, Austria and Egypt and of course we want to tell you everything you need to know about DOTS.

Together with r0g_agency we host the very first edition of DOTS The Impact Summit from December 5-7 in Kenya!

Prepare yourself for a new, impact and output driven event format - it is more than a hackathon, a barcamp, an accelerator sprint - it is a combination of innovative formats and methodologies kicking off and scaling up collaborative (South-South) projects.

We are what we create together.

DOTS - A Global Impact Summit is around the corner!

DOTS converges with r0g_agency's #ASKnet hub development program and brings together a broad range of knowledge sharing, entrepreneurial and open innovation activists from across East Africa and beyond to cross-mentor and explore new modus operandi across our vibrant networks. 

50+ Innovators and Ecosystem Shapers from around the world will come together to work on 4 co-curated tracks revolving around social-digital innovation. Topics are:

  • Digital Detox and Data Sensitivity (with Tactical Tech)

  • Lifesensor Makeathon

  • Sustainable Making

  • Open Science for Peacebuilding

On December 7th we will host a public event in the city of Nakuru, where we will present and demonstrate tangible hacks and makes like the open source Life Sensor, the ASKotec mobile makerspace, the Open Source Incubator for Microbiology, and Public Lab‘s Community Microscopes. As a network of networks, hubs and individuals, we want to jointly implement change through concrete and tangible projects, which will be the results of the tracks we have developed.

Find all details on our brand new website

Big Blue is on the road again!

The Labmobile is on the tour again! In the upcoming months Vicy Wenzelmann will connect communities on her way from South Africa to Platform Africa in Uganda! See the route and get more information on the website, follow the journey on Twitter and let her know if you'd like the mobile makerspace to stop in your neighborhood! 

Ideas in Motion

"Our survival depends on solutions. We need a green and just revolution. The problem will not be solved only by intelligent inventors, but by international cooperation. It is time to navigate the crisis with innovation and collaboration."

GIG founder Geraldine De Bastion and Annemarie BOtzki, Co-Founder/CEO at Rocsun, wrote  bout innovations, open technologies and ideas like a climate solutions network as part of their reflections for the Extinction Rebellion movement that is currently engaged in their International Rebellion in more than 60 cities across the globe. Read the full article here.

Climate Laboratory in Baixada Santista

The LABxS promoted on the Global Climate Strike week a laboratory of ideas and technologies to address climate change in the Baixada Santista region in the bay area of São Paulo. Read more here!

Digitally Speaking

Digitally Speaking, the Wearable tech project for the safety of Women by Nidhi Mittal and Avik Dhupar was selected as one of the top 14 creative projects in the Distributed Design market platform award in association with Index awards! Read more here!

Contemplating the Climate Crisis as a Global Network

“We reached a point where there is no point in talking about tech, innovation or anything else if we don't talk about environment, survival, and systemic approaches.” - GIG supervisory board member Georgia Nicolau

On #EarthStrike day of the global #ClimateStrike week we published an article about the climate crisis from the perspective of our global network.

Plastic for Good

At re:publica 2019, GIG member Nidhi Mittal from India was nominated to participate in the Plastic For Good challenge organized by Distributed Design Market Platform, co-funded by Creative Europe to work with Precious Plastic in Eindhoven and beta test their new sheets & beams made out of recycled plastic and design products using their brand new version 4 machines. Read more here!

The Optics of the Commons 
The Optics of the Commons series of Procomum Institute brings together sixteen short episodes featuring voices and ideas from young experts and activists. In the videos, they address different perspectives on living and making communities based on a diversity of studies, practices and experiences. Read more here!

Improve your life in a makerspace

Design, make and share open tools and DIY solutions for healthcare and well-being at – we’re excited to launch our new platform on assistive tech and design for care. Discover inspiring stories, upload your own projects into the repository or find out where the Careables community gathers.

Be the first to see our brand new website and let us know if you still find a bug or two. Also, do you have any ideas for collaborations – or maybe an event or a story we should feature?

Tech for Good in Singapore

The Tech For Good showcase and festival will take place on 2nd of November in sunny Singapore! 30 teams of young minds will take on problem statements in an attempt to prototype solutions for recognition and visibility aside from just doing good. GIG Supervisory Board member Saad Chinoy will support Engineering Good with the implementation! Find out more.

Code Camp: Android Mobile Development in Cairo
As part of their mission to empower more youth to enter the field of programming, Cairo Hackerspace announced a Code Camp in collaboration with X-Team to deliver Android mobile development.
Upcoming Events


eLearning Africa, October 23-25 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Afrilabs Annual Gathering, October 28-30 in Ethiopia

HubIT Designathon, 25-27 November, Bratislava, Slovakia

African Crossroads 2019: Sense the City, November 20-23, Kenya

IGF Internet Governance Forum, November 25-29, Berlin, Germany

DOTS, December 5-7, Nakuru, Kenya

Chaos Communication Congress, December 27-30, Leipzig, Germany


European Citizen Science Conference, May 24-26, Trieste, Italy

Calls for Applications and Proposals

Project grants through the CityLAB Berlin (Deadline Oct. 27)

Internet Freedom Fund (Deadline Nov. 1)

Humboldt Research Fellowships for International Applicants in Germany, 2019

Find all upcoming dates at

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