
Amsterdam School of Historical Studies

Newsletter mid-October 2019


News ASH community

ASH drinks  in the Bushuis café 

On Tuesday 15 of October at 17.00 we will have ASH-drinks! Permanent ASH-staff, (external) PhD candidates, postdocs, professors by special appointment… you are all very welcome to come!

The drinks will mark the end of Liz Buettner’s directorship and the start of the directorship of Guy Geltner with our vice-director Sofie Remijsen, but it’s also simply a good excuse for ASH members, specifically our new members, to meet each other. Please RSVP to

Mario Damen awarded AHRC Research Networking Grant

Rosalind Brown-Grant (University of Leeds, PI) and Mario Damen (ASH, Co-I) have been awarded the AHRC Research Networking Grant for “The Joust as Performance: Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry”. Read more

UvA Medievalists launch new website:

The website is launched on 9 October. This website is to provide a meeting place for everyone who is either officially or unofficially affiliated to the Amsterdam medieval research community. This includes both people from within and outside of the university walls.

We aim to share research and resources, to inform about our education programme, and to announce updates on our research projects and upcoming events. Read more

Vote RoMeincraft for the Grote Archeologie Prijs

For the Month of History, the biannual Grote Archeologie Prijs is awarded to a project that inspires people with archaeology. RoMeincraft is one of the nominees, a playful exploration of Roman heritage in the popular video game Minecraft. You can vote to decide the winner of the prize! ASH researcher Csilla Ariese is involved in the RoMeincraft project.

RoMeincraft is a project run through the VALUE Foundation. During events, often at museums, participants use information booklets to reconstruct local Roman heritage in a specially built Minecraft world. They can also visit what they have built in virtual reality. Afterwards, they can continue building at home by downloading the map from the project website. Watch video interview or Vote here! before 25 October

Interreligious Encounters in Polemics between Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond

Editors: Mercedes García-Arenal, Gerard A. Wiegers and Ryan Szpiech
This book discusses the “long fifteenth century” in Iberian history, between the 1391 pogroms and the forced conversions of Aragonese Muslims in 1526, a period characterized by persecutions, conversions and social violence, on the one hand, and cultural exchange, on the other. It was a historical moment of unstable religious ideas and identities, before the rigid turn taken by Spanish Catholicism by the middle of the sixteenth century; a period in which the physical and symbolic borders separating the three religions were transformed and redefined but still remained extraordinarily porous. The collection argues that the aggressive tone of many polemical texts has until now blinded historiography to the interconnected nature of social and cultural intimacy, above all in dialogue and cultural transfer in later medieval Iberia. Read more

ASH/ ARTES PhD/ MA workshop

This ASH/ ARTES workshop on aims to bring together MA and PhD students whose research involves communities, minorities, diasporas, and community relations, to reflect on theoretical and analytical debates that could enrich their research. The workshop takes place on 27 November 10:30-17:00 in the Allard Pierson Museum, Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana. Deadline for registration is 31 OctoberRead more

In the Media

George Blaustein

In the New York Times about the Joe Biden.

Tim Verlaan

On about the history of housing in Amsterdam.

Rens Bod

Niek Pas

Op-ed about Extinction Rebellion in De Telegraaf.

Lucas van der Deijl

About Een wereld vol patronen by Rens Bod in deReactor.


Upcoming events

Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam documentary Priced out

11 October 16:45 LantarenVenter cinema, Rotterdam
With an introduction by Tim Verlaan Read more

Oud Enkhuizen

12 October 13:00-17:00 Zuiderkerk, Enkhuizen
Gabri van Tussenbroek will give the lecture Bouwhistorie en stadsgeschiedenis. Lokale bouwtraditie in Nederland belicht aan de hand van laatmiddeleeuwse woonhuizen.

Zeeman lecture by Karine Chemla

14 October 16:00-17:30 Bushuis, VOC room
Prof. Karine Chemla (SPHERE, CNRS & Université de Paris) will give the Zeeman lecture 'The Shaping of Scientific Classics for Modern Uses: An Invitation to a Critical Approach'. Read more

Amsterdam Young Academy Interdisciplinarity Lunch

23 October 12:00-13:00 Roeterseiland, Building C, room C2.02The lunches aim to inspire and guide early and senior researchers of the UvA and the VU in their interdisciplinary ambitions through success stories and personal experiences. They also aim to create a community of interdisciplinarity enthusiasts in Amsterdam. Speakers include Claartje Rasterhoff (History, UvA) and Ivar Vermeulen (Network Institute, VU). Participation is free. For registration and further information, see

Tymen Peverelli: De stad als vaderland

26 October 14:00 Historisch Centrum Leeuwarden, Groeneweg 1 Leeuwarden
Tymen Peverelli vertelt over historiebeleving in Leeuwarden, Brugge en Maastricht. Op 22 oktober hoopt hij in Amsterdam bij de UvA te promoveren op dit onderwerp. Zijn nog te verschijnen proefschrift heeft als titel ‘De stad als vaderland. Brugge, Leeuwarden en Maastricht in de eeuw van de natiestaat, 1815-1914’. Activiteit ter gelegenheid van de Maand van de Geschiedenis en het Weekend van de Leeuwarder Geschiedenis. Read more

Calderón "La vida es sueño"

31 October 9:30-19:00 University Theatre. Nieuwe Doelenstraat 301
The Research Group "Historical Theatre Research" organizes a symposium about Calderón's "La vida es sueño". The symposium opens with a translation workshop with guest Eric Coenen, translator of the latest Dutch version of "La vida es sueño".

In the afternoon, there will be presentations about the dissimination of the play within Europe, its reception histories and performance practices.

The symposium will be concluded with an interview with theatre director Olivier Diepenhorst and translator Eric Coenen in the late afternoon, followed by the screening of the 2017 theatre production of "La vida es sueño" by Toneelschuur. Read more

Open Access? Implications of Plan S

31 October 13:30 - 15:00 Bushuis, VOC room
How can I publish my article open access? What are the implications of Plan S? The University Library supports and facilitates open access publishing for researchers. Pascal Braak (open access specialist at the library) will show you in a step-by-step approach what possibilities currently are available to publish your article in open access and if they are (already) compliant to Plan S. Read more


31 October 15:00 - 17:00 eLab Mediastudies, BG1 room 0.16
This CREATE Salon puts the spotlight on new approaches in social history that have been greatly facilitated by the digital turn. Two research projects focusing on the long-term history of everyday life explain how they use digital tools to study practices, and show how systematic analyses of practices contribute to a better understanding of gendered experiences in the past.

With Capturing street life using historic sources: a practice-based approach by Danielle van den Heuvel, Bob Pierik and Marie Yasunaga Read more

Zeeman lecture by Jürgen Renn

31 October 15:30 Polderzaal of Restaurant Polder, Science Park 201
Prof. Jürgen Renn (Director Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin) will give the Zeeman lecture "The Anthropocene and the History of Science". Read more

PhD defenses

Tymen Peverelli

22 October 12:00 Agnietenkapel
Tymen Peverelli, ASH PhD candidate, will defend the dissertation entitled 'De stad als vaderland. Het verleden van Brugge, Leeuwarden en Maastricht in de eeuw van de natiestaat, 1815-1914' supervised by Prof. Joep Leerssen en Prof. Jan Hein Furnée. Read more

Trude Dijkstra

23 October 13:00 Aula
Trude Dijkstra, ASH PhD candidate, will defend the dissertation entitled 'The Chinese Imprint. Printing and Publishing Chinese Religion and Philosophy in the Dutch Republic, 1595-1700' supervised by Prof. Lia van Gemert and Prof. Thijs Weststeijn. Read more

Norbert Middelkoop

1 November 13:00 Aula
Norbert Middelkoop, ASH PhD candidate, will defend the dissertation entitled 'Civic Guardsmen, Governors and Guild Members: Amsterdam Institutional Group Portraits | 1525-1850' supervised by Prof. Frans Grijzenhout and Dr Elinoor Bergvelt. Read more

Grant news and upcoming deadlines

Call for proposals | UvA FGw Aspasia Fund 2020

The UvA FGw Aspasia Fund is currently inviting applications for the year 2020. The fund was established as an encouragement for women faculty members, to help them take a next step in their career by strengthening their research profile. To this aim, it facilitates temporary release from teaching duties. We welcome applications from women of diverse backgrounds or who have experienced a break in their career or additional responsibilities (e.g. due to leave and/or care tasks). Women academics on a teaching contract without allocated research time are also invited to apply. Deadline is 31 January 2020. Read more

Call for proposals | Research Innovation and Sustainability Fund

The UvA Faculty of Humanities offers the Research Innovation and Sustainability (RIS) Fund that aims to support research staff in their career development and to expand their opportunities to conduct research. The RIS Fund enables researchers to apply for temporary teaching release in order to have more time to write grant applications, or to finish one or more (substantial, strategic) publications so as to strengthen their track record significantly and for a successful grant application in the near future. Deadline is 1 November 2019. Read more

Vossius Center Research Fellow

The Vossius Center offers funding for inviting top researchers for 1-3 months to the UvA. Deadline is 15 November 2019Read more

Call for proposals | Cutting Edge Research Fund

The UvA Faculty of Humanities offers the funding scheme 'Cutting Edge Research Fund' that fosters (inter)national collaboration aimed at innovative, cutting edge research. The call for proposals for the Cutting Edge Research Fund is open for the academic year 2019-2020. Applications can be submitted until 30 June 2020 (NB: these dates are tentative for the time being).

Applications are invited for two types of grants: 1. Network Grants and 2. Research Fellowships. The Fund was made available by the Sustainable Humanities Programme (Duurzame Geesteswetenschappen). Read more

More news and deadlines at the ASH website Research funding opportunies
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