Dear Friend,

Imagine: Each day you wake up sweating with fear. Your world is dark and totally silent. Ahead lies the frightening pain of a daily injection. Each day. Every day. No guarantees you will get through it all and recover your health again.  

This is the reality for many people living with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) who must endure antiquated treatments with toxic side effects such as deafness, blindness, psychosis - and still many of them will not survive.  Today, this curable disease remains a death sentence for around half of those people receiving treatment.  

Now there is fresh hope: A new breakthrough drug called bedaquiline.  

But the high price of bedaquiline that is charged by pharmaceutical corporation Johnson and Johnson (J&J), is keeping it out of the hands of people who need it. In Kenya, most of the people who should access bedaquiline are not able to mostly because of its high cost. 

It’s time to lower the price of bedaquiline to $1/day. 
We need your help! 


Hi J&J, make bedaquiline a dollar a day!   

J&J did not develop this drug alone. Public money and expertise were heavily invested in the development of bedaquiline. We therefore demand that when the public pays for a drug, it has a say in making sure the drug is available to those who need it. Because this drug belongs to the people who helped develop this drug, and to the people who need it, not to J&J alone.   

We need your voice to make sure the corporation hears us.  
Together we are louder and stronger – we will make J&J listen to our demand to lower the price of bedaquiline and to offer real hope to the thousands upon thousands of people living with drug-resistant TB.  

Thanks for all your support! 
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