29-Oct-2019 | Lantz Family | Compelled To Love
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Video: leadership development in Mexico!

Multiplying through leadership

Your partnership and prayer is having a multiplication effect.

God is increasing the influence of your investment! I have been given the opportunity to strategically define and develop leadership throughout Back2Back Ministries in order to help the work grow and multiply. This has inlcuded increased travel to train and coach expat and national leaders in the field.

Leadership is a big idea that impacts every little thing we do. I am seeing more staff learn how to plan strategically for growth, work through conflict in a healthy manner, prioritize their tasks, communicate effecitvely, and understand how to measure and pursue good goals. The outcome? More effective ministry to children!

Recently I got to taste some of the fruit of the work we do. My driver to the airport was a young man that graduated from our Hope Program then worked to buy a car and become an Uber driver. Another Hope Progam student just graduated from univeristy with a degree in psychology and had come to work for Back2Back in order to give others the same kind of holistic care he had received--the leadership training was his first day at work!

The scope and weight of this work is often overwhelming, but two things continue to lift me up. First, Jesus is the answer, not me. I am called to give my all but not solve it all. Second, I am not alone. Not only is God with me, but you are too. Your prayer, financial partnership, encouragement, and just the fact that you take time to read this all remind me that we are in this together. THANK YOU for standing with me to serve orphaned and vulnerable children around the world!

Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids
My driver!
Visiting one of our children's homes
Staff team meeting
Place of prayer for the kids

A new team member has joined us!!

You have been praying with me for a Back2Back Learn Coordinator to join our team. I'm thrilled to announce that a part-time coordinator started working with us this month!! This is a HUGE relief to me, and we are working through initial training and projects. I am still working to recruit a full-time team member to be positioned well for the future, but I am so grateful and celebrating this answer to prayer.

Global Directors' Meetings

Directors came to Cincinnati from all of our international sites last month for training and strategic planning. It was an honor to not only participate but also to be given time to do some leadership training with this incredible group of people. Our goal is to help them build incredible teams and fill their leadership bench in order to help us accompish our vision for giving children Care for Today and Hope for Tomorrow.

Family News

You know it -- they grow so fast. Caitlin is homeschooling all 5, from Joshua in 8th grade down to Sophia in preschool. The boys have just finished soccer season and we're enjoying the crisp fall evenings. Some personal travel is coming up for the holidays and two family weddings. Sophia continues to struggle with what may be optic migraines and will have a follow up MRI in December to monitor her undiagnosed condition.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:
  • Staff to remember and apply the leadership training we are delivering
  • An effective training trip to Mazatlan in November
  • Healing for Sophia
  • Full-time staff member for Back2Back Learn 
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
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Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz |
513-498-5223 |
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