Maternal and infant health takes center stage at 12th Annual Institute for Public Health Conference
On October 30th, the Washington University Institute for Public Health (IPH), convened local and national researchers, public health practitioners, and community partners for the 12th Annual IPH Conference, “Healthy Moms, Health Babies: Paving the Path to Reproductive Equity.”
During the full day event, co-hosted by the Center for Diabetes Translation Research (CDTR), attendees participated in an engaging set of keynote presentations, panel discussions and poster presentations pertaining to maternal and infant health and reproductive equity in the region.
Recent Grant Awards
Congratulations to Dr. Ginger Nicol who was recently awarded an R34 from the National Institute of Mental Health for her project:"Interactive Obesity Treatment (iOTA) for Obesity Prevention in Serious Mental Illness (iOTA-SMI)" (NCT03695289, PI: G. Nicol).
The purpose of this study is to adapt and pilot a scalable, sustainable, prevention-focused iOTA for use in the broad community mental health center (CMHC) population of at-risk persons with eSMI. The goal of this study is to measure feasibility, acceptability, tolerability, and target engagement, exploring effects on change in body weight from baseline with iOTA-eSMI compared to control.
The initial work for this project was supported by the CDTR Pilot & Feasibility program.
Outcomes and Health Services Research Development Workshop: Applying Health Economics and Policy Tools
Call for Proposals: D&I Proposal Bootcamp
February 13, 2020 | 8:00 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Taylor Avenue Building | WUSTL Medical Campus
The Center for Dissemination and Implementation at the Institute for Public Health and the Washington University Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control (WashU-ISCCC) invite you to their sixth annual “Next Steps in Public Health: Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Proposal Development Bootcamp.”
Applications to the program include a concept paper (1-2 pages with aims) or a more advanced proposal draft, which are due by January 2nd, 2020 at 5 p.m. Learn more here
Recent CDTR Member Publications
Baumann, A., Carothers, B., Landsverk, J., Kryzer, E., Aarons, G., Brownson, R., ... Proctor E. (2019). Evaluation of the Implementation Research Insitute: Trainees' Publications and Grant Productivity. Adm Policy Ment Health, 1-11.
Fitzpatrick, S. L., Brooks, N., Bray, B., & Stevens, V. J. (2019). Adherence to behavioral recommendations for weight loss and associated psychosocial factors among African American adults. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-6.
Gachupin, F. C., Johnson, C. B., Torabzadeh, E., Bryant, H., & da Silva, V. R. (2019). Usual Dietary Intake and Adherence to Dietary Recommendations among Southwest American Indian Youth at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes. Current Developments in Nutrition.
Salvo, D., Ranjit, N., Nielsen, A., Akhavan, N., & van den Berg, A. E. (2019). Characterizing micro-scale disparities in childhood obesity: examining the influence of multilevel factors on 4-Year changes in BMI, healthy eating, and physical activity, among a cohort of children residing in disadvantaged urban enclaves. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 301.
Gustat, J., Anderson, C. E., O’Malley, K., Hu, T., Tabak, R. G., Goins, K. V., ... & Eyler, A. A. (2019). Perceptions of the Built Environment and Support for Policies That Promote Physical Activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 1(aop), 1-9.
Northridge, M. E., Shelley, D., Rundall T.G., Brownson R.C. eds. (2019). Methods and Applications in Implementation Science. Lausanne: Frontiers Media.
If your work has been supported by the CDTR, please cite in your publications and posters: https://cdtr.wustl.edu/publications/
WUSTL ICTS: NIH Mock Study Session
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, December 4th
Barnes-Jewish Parkview Tower, 1st floor Conference Room Dt, St. Louis, MO
Academy Health: 2019 Science of D&I Conference
December 4th - 6th
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA
American Society of Health Economists Conference
June 7th-10th, 2020
St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis, MO
Abstracts accepted through November 25, 2019
& Funding Announcements
NEW WUSTL Institute for Public Health: Rapid D&I Add-on Funding (RAD)
NEW Emory-Woodruff Health Sciences Center: Diabetes Faculty Search (Application evaluation begins December 2019)
WUSTL ICTS: Partnership Development & Sustainability Support Funding Program (Application due Dec. 1)
WUSTL Institute for Public Health: Public Health Cubed Funding Cycle 3.0 (Application due Dec. 13)
WUSTL Institute for Informatics (I2) and the Healthcare Innovation Lab: Big Ideas: A Data-Driven Competition (Letters of Intent due Dec. 13)
For more funding opportunities click here.
About the CDTR
The CDTR is committed to supporting researchers working to advance diabetes translation research. CDTR Cores offer a range of support and services around the following:
- Dissemination and Implemention in Diabetes Research
- Health Communication and Health Literacy
- Health Informatics in Diabetes Research
- Policy and Systems Science Analysis
- Research Partnerships with American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
- Solutions to Diabetes in Black Americans
Contact allisonphad@wustl.edu to access core services.