ACE’s room for more funding, the latest updates to our charity evaluation process, and our new remote work roundtable series!
ACE Monthly Newsletter

October 2019

Our Room for More Funding

We have made significant progress on our 2019 Prospective Goals, which include improving our infrastructure so that ACE can continue to grow sustainably into the future. By increasing our own effectiveness as an organization, we aim to increase the impact we have in the animal advocacy movement. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about the most good we can do.

Updates to our 2019 Charity Evaluation Process

Our process for evaluating charities has continually developed since 2014. Throughout this time, our goal has remained the same⏤to find and promote the most effective animal charities. This year, we are making a number of changes, including but not limited to: making changes to our cost-effectiveness models, hiring a fact-checker, and making our culture survey mandatory for charities receiving a recommendation.

Roundtable Series: Remote Organizational Culture

We consider healthy organizational culture to be a critical aspect of successful and effective charities. In our latest roundtable series, we ask advocates and experts at fully and partially distributed organizations to reveal what they consider to be the most important aspects of healthy remote culture, to discuss the indicators of healthy remote teams, and to offer their advice for fostering engagement among remote team members.

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