
Monthly Newsletter

October 2019
Welcome to the
E-Newsletter of
Quo Vadis Ministry!

By Lisa McMahon

Hello Friends,

It is a pleasure to see that more and more people are subscribing to our newsletter, checking out our website and watching our channel which is put together with great care and focus!
We have had some interesting contacts this month coming from our satellite. Some viewers are Muslims who like the channel very much and are asking questions, some are other religions and off-shoots, all wondering and asking questions about different topics of interest.

This is what we like to see, there are many people out there that need to find the light in darkness. Please pray for our channel and pray that these souls will be drawn to Christ and to the truth.

Please write to us (, we like to hear from you!

Below are articles from Wenzel and Erna for this month.

Love from Lisa

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Wenzel Goubej
President - QUO VADIS
Message From Our President

Representing God:

My oldest brother Michael was just recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. He was brought up in the same Christian Orthodox home as me up to age 10 when the Government took him away to a special school in a communist and atheist country. He was atheist all his life and never believed in God. His life was difficult and tough and he hardly came home for visits.

I flew back home to visit him on his death bed with the hope that I would reach his heart and help him to understand that there is a loving God who cares for him and was always there beside him throughout his life. To my sadness and disappointment, Michael’s main reason for why he does not believe in God is because the God he has seen in Christians all of his life was not a God he wants to know. When I asked him what he meant he said that all of his experiences with Christians were worse than with any atheists. This was a shock to me and I could not sleep over his statement. The next morning I was thinking how do I vindicate Christianity. I knew well that he did encounter lots of hypocrisy by those who were supposed to be guardians of the Truth and bring light of the grace of our Lord Jesus. 

I am in that same group he identified as unloving people. I am claiming to be a Christian! I know for a fact that he had very bad experiences with God's believing people, that was always known to me and I realized how important those experiences are in the life of people who are weak in faith. They  (the unbelievers) are seeing God through the deeds and words of Christians, they can tell whether we are living with God, or living with Satan. They judge God through the life of Christians who claim to follow Him. 

If we call ourselves Christians after the name of Christ and we represent God with a character that is not of Him, we are misrepresenting God's character. How sad that many of us fail in representing God, our Saviour, properly. Michael also said to me that God should have stepped in when he needed him in hard times of life, but God was never there for him and Michael felt alone in his trials and battles of life. I tried to convince him that God was always there for him but he rejected it. He is very bitter as he never experienced the true love he was looking for.

I felt very discouraged and pricked in my own conscience. Are there more Michael's out there who've had the same bitter experience with Christians? As I was analyzing my life, I realized that the God we show to others around us must be a God of love and hope. God of grace, compassion, and mercy. It is the love that wins the heart, not rules, regulations, facts, and even truth. Truth is alive only through God's Spirit. We can know the Bible inside out but if we do not know love towards our fellow man then all the knowledge we have is good for nothing. As far as Michael is concerned, I think of the thief on the cross, how in the last minute of his life he realized that innocent God died for His sins. I pray for Michael every day and while he is alive I wish and hope that despite the evil, the good will prevail and Michael will find that God of love and mercy even in the last days of his life, just as the thief on the cross did.

There are apparently about 3 billion people who are currently out of reach of the gospel. They have never met the true God of love, although many have met Christians but did not find them attractive enough to care for their God. This is sad. The Bible says, and they shall know them by their love. (John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.")

Friends, are we known by our love? Can people see a difference in us from the world?  Let us not lose sight of the great picture of what the Gospel message is really all about. Let us realize that it will be the walk, not the talk of Christianity that will convert and convict the hearts of people! Think of those 3 billion people we need to reach. Do we have a sense of urgency to reach them?  How are we going to do this work?  What way will we reach them? We must make a plan what is the most effective way to reach others. Let us pray for a great awakening. Do we continue to gather more into our barns? There is a need to trade the garments of leisure, sports and riches for cloth of spiritual war, to deny ourselves of unnecessary luxury and recreation for the sake of the Gospel.  Without a Holy Spirit and without God’s guidance in our lives we can not do this task. The task is enormous, but we cannot fail again to reach those that need to hear about Jesus. Let us pray as never before to have this love of Jesus imparted to us.

We pray most earnestly that our channel can go worldwide with a message of Him who died for us on the cross because of His great love for us. The world needs to see the loving Son of God,  the world needs to see His followers as true Christians.
But there is another concern that should add to our sense of urgency:  the time is SHORT!  The clock is ticking in our own lives. We must use our gifts and resources while they are still in our possessions, not merely to do good things, but to do the greatest thing of Christ’s command, the fulfillment of the Great Commission. You must know that the political global climate is turning against Christianity and against the Church with unforeseen velocity. Many parts of the world restrict the Gospel and there is much suffering around the globe for the truth. Even in the West there are plans to restrict the freedom of the Church to bear witness to the gospel and its righteousness.  We must take advantage of the open doors that we have now before they close. As our Lord commanded, “ We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; for night cometh when no one can work.
( John 9:4).

Your Brother,

Erna McCann 
Prayer Ministries Canada
Prayer Thought...

Dear friends of Quo Vadis,
Which is worse for you, personally - 
  • unexpected bad news?
  • the anticipation of difficulty you know is coming?
One of my friends' father dropped dead of a heart-attack.  I remember the shock of that, for her - almost incapacitating, and very overwhelming.
My mother-in-law died of brain cancer - died by inches.  Watching that, and knowing what was coming was incredibly heart-wrenching.
Except for our hope in Jesus, and a living experience with Him, despair can be just a heart-beat away, these days, and many people are there.  How many of you are experiencing Jesus, personally?  How many of you trust Him enough that when you get devastating news, or when people turn against you and you see things going terribly wrong, are barely affected?
The “time of trouble, such as never was,” is soon to open upon us; and we shall need an experience which we do not now possess and which many are too indolent to obtain. It is often the case that trouble is greater in anticipation than in reality; but this is not true of the crisis before us. The most vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude of the ordeal. In that time of trial, every soul must stand for himself before God. “Though Noah, Daniel, and Job” were in the land, “as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.” Ezekiel 14:20.  
GC 623.4
If this is true, do we actually believe it?  Are we actually sharing these heart-searching, Elijah/John-the-Baptist messages?  Are we actually busy preparing ourselves to stand in the days ahead?   Do we know how to do that, or even what it means? Do we even want to be translated, or are we hoping to get by with dying and still being saved?  Are we too "busy doing the Lord's work" that we neglect our first work?  
Isn't it time to let the Lord do His own work and focus on ours?  We are not called to be the Holy Spirit, nor are we called to be God, nor are we called to be the Saviour.  To take on any of those roles is to practice idolatry.  
I know the line is fine, but aren't we called to let God work in our hearts to change us, cooperating every step of the way so that when people come to us with their troubles we can say, "I have no idea how God wants to solve your problem, but I know He does want to, and He will, if you cooperate with Him and trust Him enough to let Him do it, because this is what He did last week for me: ..."  Is that not what true ministry is?  People actually gain hope when we have a fresh testimony that relates to their needs.  Hope changes despair into eager anticipation.  And the more people experience God working in their lives and testify about it, the more prepared they become for the days ahead.
A person coming to us for advice makes it very tempting to give it. When we do, we give people the idea that God communicates with us, but not with them.  People need to expect God to give them the answers!  If they will seek His ways and methods, and wait on Him for His answer, He will give it to them!  Encouraging them to come to us for answers is idolatry.  We can't afford to deprive them of a living connection with God!
This world is winding down fast.  There is evidence of it on every hand.  We have been given enough warning that it does not need to be unexpected bad news.  Neither should it be a prolonged agony as we wait for it.  Focusing on cooperating with God as He woos us, responding to His voice in our hearts, listening to Him call us here and there to encourage others and relying on Him to give us the exact words needed for an individual, testifying of what victories He has gained in our hearts ... all these are things that help prepare us for what is coming, and make us true shepherds .  This is the tip of the iceberg.
I'm praying for you,
Now Available for Purchase

We have many new, inspiring DVD's in our webstore that are now available for you to purchase and share with others. Don't forget to check it out from time to time and see what's new!

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