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St. Mark's has had a long history with Deaconate Ministry, with several deacons serving in our parish over the years. Deacons are ordained persons who serve in the Church in very specific ways. Priests serve as shepherds and pastors of the congregation: preaching, teaching, focusing on discipleship etc. While Deacons remain focused on the world, with the particular mission of bringing the needs and concern of the community (particularly the poor) to the church. Deacons ensure that we never lose sight of Christ's command to be servants.  This servant ministry is particularly embodied and symbolized by their roles in our Sunday Liturgy: proclaiming the Gospel, calling us to confession, serving at the Holy Table and sending us back into the world.

Deacons serve at the assignment of the Bishop, and are usually non-paid volunteers. This ministry can take many forms, and each deacon who has served St. Mark's has done so in their own way. Our current Deacon, the Rev. Deacon James DeDeaux, has focused on Prison and Mental Health Ministries. His presence among us has been a blessing for the past four years. He will be leaving us at the end of the month as he and Ella move to Washington State. They will be missed here, but we know they will be a blessing to their new community. Join us this Sunday (October 27th) as we say Godspeed, and Thank you to Deacon James!

50 ways in 50 days!

Over the next 50 days we will celebrate the many different ways people offer their gifts at St. Mark's! Each day you will receive a story about a different group who are serving our common life here at St. Mark's, or our mission in the world. Stay Tuned!

Join us for Loyalty Sunday on November 3rd!

Join us for a Celebration of the parish we all love, and the many, many people who make it all possible. We will gather for a combined 10am worship service followed by a Pot Luck Lunch. 
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