Hello from everyone at Birmingham Community Matters 

With our Development Coordinator Jo Burrill on board we now have surgery dates for you, including one at Stirchley Baths tomorrow (Tuesday 5 November) from 6 to 7.30pm.

Happily, Stirchley Community Market will be taking place at the same time. So come down, pick up delicious food and handmade items from local suppliers (you can see the line-up of stallholders here), then call in to the café to chat to us about your community project or idea. 
Surgery dates for you 

Stirchley Community Matters
Tuesday 5 November, 6 – 7.30pm at Stirchley Baths (running in the cafe alongside Stirchley Community Market)

Cotteridge Community Matters
Saturday 16 November, 10.30am – 12 noon at the Cotteridge Church
Bournville Community Matters
Tuesday 26 November, 1.30 – 3.30pm at Bournville Community Hub

Read our blog post: What happens at a Birmingham Community Matters surgery?
B30 Get Together events

We tried something new in south Birmingham this year: two ‘B30 Get Together’ evening events.

We organised them alongside Councillor Fred Grindrod with support from Bournville Village Trust.
Our mutual aim was to forge stronger ties between community groups and volunteers in the area.

Here's what happened.
Trustees wanted at BCM

We are looking for trustees to strengthen our existing board.

Do you have knowledge, skills, enthusiasm and experience to help BCM make a positive difference to local communities?

Learn more here.
Speakers wanted at Weoley Castle Library

Could you deliver an interesting talk for users of Weoley Castle Library?

All topics will be considered, unless they are religious or political. If you think you could help please contact Joanne Coffey via and tell her we sent you! 
Committee members needed for the Friends of Kings Heath Park
We've heard that the Friends of Kings Heath Park are looking to recruit two new committee members, one of whom will chair the group.
The committee meets once every 4-6 weeks in the park to discuss future events and environmental work.
"We are looking for people who use the park: dog walkers, runners, parents whose children use the park and so on. You don't need to have committee experience, just enthusiasm and dedication," they said.
If you think you'd like to get inolved, contact the Friends via their website, to register your interest.
Community Engagement Officer position with Naturehood

Are you an experienced community engagement practitioner with a passion for wildlife? We've been alerted to this part-time, Birmingham-based position with Naturehood, the flagship community wildlife programme from international charity Earthwatch. 

The deadline for applications is 24 November. Find out more and apply here
Over 50? Take part in research into mental health and wellbeing

We've heard from Iman Hassan, a trainee clinical psychologist at the Oxford Institute of Clinical Psychology Training & Research. Iman is conducting research into mental health and wellbeing in people aged 50 and over from different cultures (see below).

If you're interested in giving your views, please email
Interesting events in November and December

SHOUT Festival of Queer Arts and Culture
Tuesday 5 to Sunday 17 November

Plastic Free Community Talk
Wednesday 6 November

Mad Hatter's Afternoon Tea Party
Saturday 9 November

YMCA Comic Con 2019
Saturday 9 November

RSPB Sandwell Valley Through Time
Wednesday 13 November

Speed Faithing
Wednesday 13 November

Handsworth Local History Study Day
Saturday 16 November

Clean Air For All
Wednesday 20 November

Telling the Other Story: One Year On
Saturday 23 November

NCVO / Zurich Charity Risk Seminar
Tuesday 26 November

#DearYoungers: monthly forum
Thursday 28 November
Christmas movie fun: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Sunday 1 December

Climate Action Network West Midlands - steering group meeting
Tuesday 3 December

'Don't Touch My Hair': Emma Dabiri and the Politics of Black Hair
Thursday 5 December

Afghan Culture Show
Saturday 7 December

Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity Christmas Concert
Wednesday 11 December

Birmingham Buddhist Centre Sangha Night
Thursday 12 December

Christmas Fair and Family Disco
Saturday 14 December

Women & Enterprise Winter Open Fayre
Wednesday 18 December
We're growing our networks and always looking for useful events and info to share. This is just a small selection of things we have spotted or been sent. If you have something you'd like us to consider promoting, email
Thank you

Thank you for subscribing to our mailing list. We'll be back soon with further useful info. In the meantime keep us posted on your community updates and success stories via our social media channels. We love to share good news. 

Birmingham Community Matters 
Registered charity number 1179442

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