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Leesgroep de Kunst van het Feminisme met Heske ten Cate & Yuki Kho

Heske ten Cate (directeur van Nest in Den Haag) en Yuki Kho (oprichter Kunst Kijken met Ko & Kho) stellen dat vrouwen minstens even vaak naakt op een kleedje zijn afgebeeld in een museum dan dat ze er als maker vertegenwoordigd zijn. Om daar verandering in te brengen maken ze sinds afgelopen september met de podcast Naakt op een Kleedje een alternatieve rolodex vol fantastische vrouwelijke makers. Deze avond wordt de leesgroep omgevormd tot redactie om een fictieve live aflevering van Naakt op een Kleedje te maken. Je bent van harte welkom op dinsdag 5 november, 19.00 uur in WALTER books, Arnhem. Toegang gratis, graag aanmelden via onze website.

Selma, Dr. King and Today: The Jigsaw Puzzle of Social Movements with JoAnne Bland

ArtEZ is proud to invite JoAnne Bland, the civil rights memory activist from Selma, Alabama, who was one of the youngest people to march over the Edmund Pettis Bridge with Martin Luther King Jr and has since become one of the most important figures transmitting that history through her talks, tours and work establishing the Civil Rights Museum. We will look at the role of the guide, witness and story-teller to motivate people to resist and to switch to action. This event will be introduced by Jeremiah Day. You are very welcome on Thursday 21 November, 16.00 hrs, auditorium, Arnhem. Free entrance, please register here.

Organized together with ArtEZ BEAR and The School of Missing Men.

How on Earth presents the (de)mobilizing power of eco-anxiety and discomfort

How do we experience the overwhelming presence of climate change? We will watch the film BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER (2016) and discuss collapses of ecologies and feelings of discomfort with activist and researcher Harriet Bergman. Join us on Tuesday 12 November, Focus Filmtheater, Arnhem, 19.00 – 21.30 hrs. Free for ArtEZ community, if registered via our website. Other people can buy a ticket at Focus Filmtheater.

Other How on Earth film screenings:
  • 31 October 2019, AKI Enschede (auditorium), 19.30 – 21.30 hrs.
  • 28 November 2019, film screening and lecture performance by Sjoerd van Oevelen and Elodie Hiryczuk, auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede, 17.00 – 19.30 hrs.
  • 12 December 2019, with guest speakers TBA, auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede, 17.00 – 19.30 hrs.

PRECARIOUS NIGHTS showing SNOWPIERCER (2013) with lecture by Willem Schinkel and Rogier van Reekum

In their recently published book “Theorie van de Kraal: kapitaal, ras, fascisme” (which could be translated to Theory of the Corral: Capital, Race and Fascism), the authors Willem Schinkel and Rogier van Reekum use the corral, a closed off space where cattle is kept, as a metaphor or concept for our current biopolitical condition: we are captured in the enclosing movement of capital, a movement that orders bodies, labor and identities for the purpose of accumulation. After this lecture, we will screen Bong Joon-ho’s Snowpiercer (2013). Please join us on 11 November, Focus Filmtheater, Arnhem, 19.00 hrs. Free for ArtEZ community, if registered via our website. Other people can buy a ticket at Focus Filmtheater.

Other Precarious Nights film screenings:
This film programme is a collaboration between WALTER books, Studium Generale ArtEZ and Focus film theater.
Together with graphic designer Hannes Bernard we watched our (video) archive and discussed its potential in relation to current questions and urgencies. Part of the result are four videos which tie archival material to contemporary discussions. Take a look at the third video: Surveillance x Bodies
Surveillance x Bodies
What do infrastructures of surveillance do to our capacities to act, create and dream? And what is the role of art?

Art falls into a narrow range of forms, tropes and narratives in the age of surveillance capitalism, where everyone is obliged to present themselves constantly through a social formation that is controlled and governed by surveillance capitalism. The emancipatory power of art is to challenge these restrictions and formations.
ArtEZ studium generale is catalyst of meaningful and radical ideas, projects and stories. Activities are open to everyone.
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