Website visitors decide whether to read on - or bounce out of a website - within 15 seconds.

A glance - a first impression - a quick flick around - "maybe later" - click.

People are blasé nowadays.
If it doesn't look relevant, they give up and go somewhere else. In the blink of an eye, a click of a finger!

The novelty has gone.

Websites are now just another publicity channel.
Another cost centre. Another time-stealer.

But... websites are particularly useful for business.
Multi-purpose. Cheap compared to other publicity options. And much quicker to update too.

Things change. Of course they do.

Websites get tired.

  • They collect broken links, out-dated content, too-many pages.
  • People are less patient and may not give your website a fair chance.
  • And technology moves on, driven by endless search engine updates.

Yesterday I saw a website that was 7 years old. How did I know? Every page had the copyright date in the footer. The owner admitted it was out of date but...

It can all get exhausting.

The options? Put even more time into it? Cut back and cross your fingers? Prioritise repairs and updates?

But how do you even know what needs doing?

Step back from time to time. Get some perspective. Separate the woods from the trees.

Get a website health check.
(Like you do with your car's MOT and with price comparison services.)

Do such things exist?

Here's one:

20 Health Statistics Report On Your Website

confidential feedback on your website
thoughtful opinion on your options

SEO Checklist (Search Engine Optimisation)
10 invisible code factors help search engines help new clients find your website.

HCO Checklist (Human Choice Optimisation)
10 visible psychology factors help new clients decide to stop researching and actually contact you - and then help them do so.

Find out how this Report removes the aggro.
Get The Facts.

hen judge what improvements are possible
and begin to plan accordingly.

"Learning is essential for survival;
learning faster is vital for success."

This could start you on the path to the improvements you want.
I'm hoping it's helpful,
All the best, Dave
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Dave Simon BSc MSc MPhil | MORE!consulting | 01983 614795 | LinkedIn
More Enquiries - More Clients - More Productivity
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