Your Agency Relations Newsletter (YARN) A Newsletter for Agency Partners Putting the Pump in Pumpkin
Help Shape the Future of Hunger Relief in Minnesota!
The MN Statewide Food Shelf Survey is back this year! Hunger Solutions Minnesota, MN Department of Human Services, the University of Minnesota and SuperShelf are partnering to conduct a second round of the Statewide Food Shelf Survey this November, 2019. Once again, it will focus on getting a deeper look at the needs and preferences of food shelf clients through a Client Survey. New this year is a Food Shelf Manager Survey, which has been added to give insight on how to improve support for food shelves around the state. Any questions about the process, please contact or visit: for more details.
Keep your eyes open for a packet via mail delivered by early November!
Starting Nov 1, seniors participating in the Nutritional Assistance Program for Seniors (NAPS) will start getting more food each month. Boxes will now contain double the amount of vegetables, more protein including beans, more options in each category like brown rice and soup, and smaller pack sizes on many items.
There are many questions and misperceptions about the public charge including how it will affect the network, who it applies to and how can we help. SHH has a number of resources available including fact sheets in Spanish and Somalian. (Hmong translation coming soon!) Contact us for more information.
Agency partners, donors, volunteers and SHH staff joined in the celebration and ribbon cutting of the recently completed volunteer center at the new Brooklyn Park facility on October 10. While we still have much to do in the new building, the new volunteer center is up and going.
Starting October 28, seven Minnesota agencies will be collecting from 20 different Starbucks locations. Agencies can expect to collect 25-30 pounds of week of fresh, high-quality, high-protein items that they can distribute to their clients.
Be a Banner Agency...Your Photos Wanted! Your photos are greatly desired to share with the network and highlight your work. Submit a photo of your program and we'll feature it in the YARN banner above. Please also include a one to three sentence fun fact, statistic or something that excites you about your program. Send pictures or questions to your Partner Specialist or
Join the SHH Partner Network private Facebook group! Network with other food shelves, meal programs, backpacks, produce distributions and other food assistance programs any time you have time! Ask questions, post stuff and share best practices. Log onto Facebook and search for SHH Partner Network to join.
Find SHH job opportunities to share with your network. If you'd like to share your program's job postings with the network, please post on the SHH Partner Network private Facebook group.
Second Harvest Heartland · 1140 Gervais Ave · Saint Paul, MN 55109-2020 · USA