Designing Buildings Wiki
Newsletter 8 November 2019
Featured articles and news
Modern Methods of Construction
Mark Farmer becomes the government's MMC champion.
Wiring installations
Data cables and the Construction Products Regulation.
What to bid
How to decide the right price to offer.
Designing for the elderly
Inside the award-winning Willowbrook Care Home.
Permitted development
Adding extra storeys and the pitfalls of party walls and rights to light.
Global development
Why the West has to join the Belt and Road initiative.
Protecting the historic environment
Historic Environment Scotland launches a new guide to managing climate change risks.


Around the web

CIAT, Nov 6
Wolverhampton University calls for BIM case study projects.
Dezeen, Nov 5
A tyre-based pavement that repairs itself when it rains.
BIM+, Nov 5
A start-up innovation creates ‘medical records’ of bridges and tunnels
CIHT, Nov 5
The case for Pennine rail reinstatement gains momentum. 
BIM+, Nov 5
AI and automation radically transform drainage inspections. 
The Guardian, Nov 5
The government has not built a single starter home says NAO.
ICE, Nov 4
The Robert Stevenson Awards open for entries.
Construction Manager, Nov 2
Procurement is key to the construction technology revolution.
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