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Pests Production E-Newsletter
Ant Farm
7th November 2019


We've reached the point of no return. It is getting cold. Cold. The clocks have gone back. Say it quietly. Winter is coming. It is always interesting to find out who in your friend group likes the colder months and who prefers the warmer. The nods of agreement and looks of disgust when you mention that 'you love those winter days in front of the fire' or 'long summer evenings'. there's probably a great study in why people prefer certain times of year.

This time of year, we're Squirrel-like. Scheming away. Looking really shifty. Trying to make sure that our next year is as great and acorn filled as possible. Change is afoot. Both David and Sophia are planning things in their own lives that will affect how Pests exists. Little and big changes. It is an exciting time for both of us to see how Pests operates within these new contexts that we'll find ourselves. It is a great adventure to consider the adaptations and evolutions that we've already been through and what shifts our futures will take. A year and a half ago us would never believe we'd be writing this and yet here we are. Hopefully, year and a half in the future us are thinking 'I can't believe all the stuff I've done'. 

Our second drag show in Chichester, our first at the Vestry, was a huge success. We'll be back there in future again so please keep an eye out for the information as it comes. A massive thank you to everyone that came and took part in the glorious timewarp to close the show.

In November we're excited to welcome Katrina Quinn to our seaside town. The shows swimming theme should particularly resonate with those of us fortunate enough to have been born by the coast.

This month, consider sitting down and acknowledging what you've done over a certain amount of time. Don't fit yourself into the yearly constraint that the December and January period bring. Think 5 years, think 1 month. Think about what you'd tell yourself if you met you from 2 years ago. What are the lessons you've learned. What new knowledges do you have to impart? 

Much Love,
David (a summer time child) and Sophia (a winter queen)
Founders and Creative Producers of Pests

Find out more about our artist producing service here
Katrina Quinn is coming to Bournemouth with her new show Individual Medley, Get your tickets here
Come on a culinary adventure with Janet. Tickets available here

The Web

Bryony Harris and Emma Gannon are collaborating on the performance Plastica Galactica. With everything on stage being plastic Bryony and Emma have collected on beach cleans, they introduce you to Eco – Girl as they embark on their biggest mission yet… saving the world…
Plastica Galactica is here to expose how important YOU are when it comes to a plastic-free life and saving our home, Planet Earth.
Mon 25 Nov 2019 at 7.30pm at the Camden Peoples Theatre, tickets here

Matthew Edwards and Edd Stoke are collaborating on To Mars & Back: an Artist Night on November 28th. The night will be a ‘pay what you can’ at Junction House. More information here

Holly Spillar and Grace Watkins are performing a double bill of their works 'Hole' and 'Fat Sex' on 30th November at the Vagina Museum, London. More information and tickets here


Upcoming Events

Pests Presents Katrina Quinn: Individual Medley
St Lukes Church
St Lukes Road
15th November
7:30 - 8:30PM

Pests Presents Helen Ainsworth and John Mowat: Janet
St Lukes Church
St Lukes Road
6th December
7:30 - 8:30PM

Pupdates from the morale officers

Although they tend to both spend their time sleeping, eating, and looking for a good lap to sit on (please don’t tell Oscar he’s too big, it’ll break his heart) Fred and Oscar spend a lot of their time also encouraging positive mental attitudes. Pests Production works with artists to develop new work, but also to create an environment where this can be achieved whilst considering the challenges mental health presents. As a company, we believe that the mental well-being of those we work with is a top priority, and Oscar and Fred are here to make sure that this approach is properly managed and enforced. 

This month we'd like to talk about how you support your friends. 

Oscar and Fred offer a huge amount of support to humans; they're both very sensitive to changes in people, Oscar having done a small stint as a therapy hound, and Fred having sat on many a lap in his time (a sad lap is an uncomfy lap). 

The important thing to remember when it comes to supporting your friends is that everyone is different; some like space, some prefer conversations, some enjoy material gestures, some just want the presence of someone else there whilst they figure out their next step. The way to figure this out? Talk to them. It's not terribly British of us, to talk, but take the advice of a Spanish rescue and a Siamese. Talking is key, and British traditions aren't getting us anywhere fast, if the current political climate is anything to go by. 

Talk to your friends, open a dialogue, whether this is in person or digitally (or in a letter if you prefer, but we like to keep things green here and save a few trees now and then). Discuss with them what they think they need right now. Moreso, your friends might be super duper, happy go lucky, care-free individuals, maybe they don't need a big chat or a support journal. Maybe what they'd like is just a catch up. Or an extra audience member at their latest show, or a proud boast from their best friend about how amazing their new painting is. Hey, Christmas is coming up, and I'm sure you've got plenty of pals on Etsy who'd love the extra support around this time of year, not to mention how amazing it is to know that someone in your life thinks that your creations are good enough to give as a gift. 

The point being, this month, think of your friends. Think of the extra mile you can go, think of the hard work they've poured into something and help them to celebrate that! Not only in the arts world, but in all spheres of life, we should be celebrating the accomplishments and creations of our loved ones. We owe kindness to each other, it is not something to be given sparingly, we cannot run out of kindness, only help it to grow.

Support your friends, cheer them on, pay extra for an item from their new business, celebrate the creativity around you and be proud that you are part of it. 

We can make the world so much better with such simple steps. Take your first one today.

We hope you enjoy good naps, good belly rubs, and good mental health this month.

Oscar and Fred
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