
Lutz Preparatory School Weekly Reminders
Monday, November 4, 2019

  • Monday, November 4:
    • LIM Family Session - 6:00-7:45 PM
  • Wednesday, November 6:
    • LIM Family Session - 8:30-10:00 AM
  • Thursday, November 7:
    • PTA General Assembly Meeting (Has Been Rescheduled to 11/14)
    • Middle School Strike Zone
  • Friday, November 8:
    • PTA Reflections Ceremony
    • 6th Grade Field Trip
    • Progress Reports Sent Home

Volunteer Corner
Winter Concert Help Needed!

  • Volunteers needed for the Elementary Grades Band Concert
    • Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius
  • Volunteers needed for Middle Grades Band Concert
    • Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius

Lost and Found Will Be Donated Next Week
Please make sure all items are labeled with students first and last name.  All items not labeled will be donated on Friday, November 8, 2019.

Middle School Strike Zone
Emails were sent to middle school families this morning with listing of students who will be recognized at the quarterly ceremony on Thursday, November 7, 2019.  Please have your student contact Mr. Bethune with any questions.

Middle School Contest - Design Our Winter Concert Program
Click HERE for full details.
Submissions due no later than Monday, November 11th.
Winners will be announced after Fall break.

Intramural Sports for 1st-5th Grade Students

We still need a more students to sign up for Coed Soccer and Flag Football.  Please see the following communication for registration details.  

Lutz Prep Intramural Coed Soccer (1st - 5th Grade)
Twice per week

The Lutz Prep intramural soccer club will be headed up by last year's girls varsity soccer coach, Mrs. Wilary.  She will focus on teaching the students the basic skills of the game as well as playing modified (or depending on skill level) real soccer games.  Her main focus is to have your students enjoy the game and learn how it is to be played the correct way.
  • Time: After school until 4:15 PM
  • Dates: 11/4, 11/6, 11/13, 11/18, 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11
  • Enrollment Ends: 11/3 at midnight

Required Registration; please click on each link below:

  1. Step #1: Registration/Payment
  2. Step #2: Sports Liability Online Form (covers all sports for the 2019-20 school year)
  3. Step #3: FHSAA Sports Physical (must be emailed to OR a paper copy turned into the front office not the coach). This can be done at many Minute Clinics or CVS's around the area.  This is not the same as an annual health checkup.

Lutz Prep Intramural Coed Flag Football (2nd - 5th Grade)
Twice per week on Wednesdays and Fridays

The Lutz Prep Coed intramural flag football program will be headed by Mr. Fox again this month.  He and his team of coaches will be more focused on training for actual game play rather than just skills and drills.  On Wednesdays, he and his coaches will focus on skills, strategies, and plays and then on Fridays actual games will be played.  I will paint on the north side of the soccer field so the game play is appropriate for flag football size.  On game days, teams will be divided up into 2nd and 3rd grade players and then 4th and 5th grade players.  (This will help make the games more age appropriate and competitive). 

In order to have this run smoothly and give the athletes the appropriate training, we need more volunteers to coach these players.  If you are available to help out, please let me know ASAP!

I am so excited to give this opportunity to our younger Bolts.  There are NO other schools around the area offering this high level training and game play to their younger students.  I am very proud to say we are the first!!!

  • Time: Wednesdays - After school until 4:30 PM
  • Fridays - After school until 4:30 PM or 5:15 PM depending on the number of teams created.  We may have to play multiple games this day so time may be extended.  This will be determined by the end of sign ups.
  • Dates: 11/6, 11/8, 11/13, 11/15, 11/22, 12/4, 12/6, 12/11
  • Enrollment Ends: 11/5 at midnight

Required Registration; please click on each link below:

  1. Step #1: Registration/Payment
  2. Step #2: Sports Liability Online Form (covers all sports for the 2019-20 school year)
  3. Step #3: FHSAA Sports Physical (must be emailed to OR a paper copy turned into the front office not the coach). This can be done at many Minute Clinics or CVS's around the area.  This is not the same as an annual health checkup.
2019-20 Academic Calendar
Copyright © 2019 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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