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Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In Ephesians 2:14, Paul declares: “For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility”. Jesus Christ is creating a new humanity, where there will be no more divisions, racism, oppression or violence... That's the Kingdom of God that we preach; that's the God we strive to serve well.

Mision Beta

Church Planters Cohort
Being a great mark for our church planting movement, next month we will be finalizing our first two-year incubator program with church planters and pastors who are revitalizing churches. It has been a wonderful first experience, although being the first time, it has been exhausting! 

Latin American Forum
Last monty we also hosted a gathering of church planters from different countries in Latin America, including Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mexico, in partnership with Latin American Forum. Working together we came to agree that there is a potential way in which Latin American Forum can partner with Mision Beta to gather our own church planters and pastors in Argentina, and encourage them to join our network. We pray that God will lead us while we develop this enriching relationship.

What's coming up with Mision Beta?
For December 3rd, we are organizing another conference, as a way of ending this first cohort and promoting a new one starting next March. We will also launch a quarterly leadership gathering that is much needed in our context. Also, with these pastors and church planters ending the incubator program, we will continue to work coaching them, and meeting with their leaders team to help them develop a sound and contextual action plan for their church plants. We ask that you pray with us, as we move past the teaching sphere more into really transforming our churches, in order to transform our city for the kingdom of God. The pastors who form the board of Mision Beta are well convinced that our ministry cannot be satisfied only with training pastors... God wants new and revitalized healthy churches!
Reformation Day
 Last Thursday, I was invited to preach at our ecumenical Reformation Day worship service, organized by the Argentine Federation of Evangelical Churches (kind of the NAE in the States). It was good to be able to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, while celebrating the unity of the Church under the Word of God. 

 The other invitation that I received was to attend the 108th celebration of the Republic of China (Taiwan). In the picture I am greeting the Taiwanese Ambassador in Argentina. It was nice to be honored with that invitation for my work among Taiwanese immigrants.
Nuevo Avivamiento Church
Lots of things happened in these past months. We've been working hard and God has been blessing the church in many ways.
Along with our desire to see all nations come to Christ, forging healthy relationships among different cultures, we held a workshop on  “Developing your cultural intelligence”, following Dr. David Livermore's expertise. It is great to see reconciliation and openness to promote cultural diversity with the love of God.

Last month our youth group received the visit of a Korean Presbyterian Church in Buenos Aires, an ethnic church that is moving towards being multicultural and came to us hoping that we will be able to share our experience and joy of celebrating the love of God among the nations. We certainly hope that we will be a blessing to them in their efforts to bring down walls of division.

Finally, last weekend we spent all our energy (and ended up exhausted) holding a retreat with students of our school of language (many of them who are unbelievers and with no relationship with any Church). It was awesome to share with them the Good News of Christ, but it was even more amazing to see our youth group serving God, giving themselves to these kids with such energy and passion. Praise the Lord for our youth group and leaders!

Family Update
Debbie and the kids are doing very well, by the grace of God. Although it has been an exhausting year so far, we are eagerly awaiting some refreshing time in January! God continues to bless us as a family, while we gladly serve Him.

Lastly, you may have heard that our country (and many countries in Latin America) are facing terrible turmoil! We had very troubling months during the presidential campaign. We had elections last Sunday (we went to vote right after coming back from the children's retreat!). All the predictions are foretelling that Argentina will face very difficult years ahead, having higher levels of poverty than before, a rampant inflation, and a large external debt to repay. 
In sum... please pray for these things:
  • For Argentina, the increasing homeless and financial crisis
  • For Mision Beta, that God will bless new and revitalized churches with whom we are working
  • For our church, that God will continue to bring to Christ referents from different nations
  • For our family, that God will grant us a very needed summer rest.

We can't share here everything that we are doing and going through, but please feel free to write us requiring more details. Also, we would be delighted to connect through Skype, Zoom, or any other way you would dim appropriate... either way... please stay in touch. You bless us, not only by supporting us and praying for us, but also by contacting us from time to time. Remember... we are a relational culture ;)

Thank you all, as always, for your prayers, love and care!

¡Dios los bendiga!
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