
How Not To Love

on how hidden attitudes flow outward

"I am writing to remind you, dear friends, that we should love one another..." 
(2 John 5)

"...see to it that you really do love each other intensely with all your hearts."
(1 Peter 1:22)

Be Nice

Over and over and over, God's Word gives this instruction: "love one another." It's the second most important thing we're given to do with our entire lives.

But I think I actually live more in terms of "be nice."  I put all sorts of effort into my outward interactions with people, but tend to be careless with my heart attitudes toward them. In fact, I often don't recognize that my heart attitudes are TOWARD anyone at all.

Here's the hard truth: My heart attitudes are not isolated. They never only affect me. They are always toward someone, and they always flow outward: into my body language, into my actions, into my words. Hidden attitudes don't stay hidden...

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Training: Cody started ground school last week. He and the guys are continuing to work on the helicopter re-build project and will begin flying once the new avionics panel is installed on the Cessna 206. This week, they are also practicing sling loading with the helicopter as they help maneuver about 15 heavy loads of cement and fencing materials to several remote spots along a ridge.

Please pray for Cody to do well in this training, for the Lord to provide the finances for his flights, and for direction as leadership considers what aircraft and country would be the best fit for our family over these next few months.

Conference:  Thank you for praying for us during our time at the Tampa missions conference! It was such an encouraging time, we were so loved on by the group there, and we were able to share in several different sessions about the ministry of Ethnos360 Aviation and about what the Lord is teaching us as a family. 

 We had a few families at conference express a desire to join our team and one that decided to start giving monthly right away! Thank you for praying for our support and please keep praying! 

We are so excited to see how God is answering this need, person by person. He is drawing his body into the work he is doing using each of our unique gifts. We are so thankful for and impressed with the team He has provided, who generously gives of their time, talents, and resources to reach those still waiting to hear about Him.

We are still praying for about 16 more people (about $1600/month) who would be willing to give monthly so we can serve full-time overseas. 

Abishai:   Abi is now 8 months old, crawling and sitting up, and has 6 (sharp) teeth. He loves turning the pages in books by himself, trying to sneak gravel into his mouth, pulling clothes out of the dryer, and playing drums on the coffee table. He's also a big fan of the bread at the Cheesecake Factory (where we got to celebrate our 6th anniversary!)


Thank you for keeping up with us, praying for us, and supporting us!



Cody, Beka, + Abishai

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