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Interesting Articles

Why using Sprint 0 is a cardinal sin for all Scrum Masters

A Scrum Master using Sprint 0 is just as strange as an astronaut believing the world is flat. Scrum Masters should know better!

Unfortunately there still are many Scrum Masters who start their new teams with Sprint 0. In this article I will try to persuade you there is no convincing reason to use Sprint 0.

So let’s start by figuring out why Scrum Masters introduce the concept of Sprint 0 to their team.

What is Sprint 0?

There is no official definition of Sprint 0, as it is not part of Scrum.

Sprint 0 conflicts with the core of Scrum

Imagine you would strip Scrum of everything to reach the core of what Scrum is about. You would remove all the roles, events, artifacts and rules of Scrum to reduce it to its absolute essence.

Scrum boiled down to a single sentence for a software development context would be:

Deliver a working product every Sprint

Sprint 0 clashes with the Empiricism of Scrum

The foundation of Scrum is empiricism. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and you should make decisions based on what is known. By doing you will learn more. You may use this learning to do better than you did before.

By starting with Sprint 0, you have no product increment to inspect at the end of the Sprint. Therefore, your team will not run into the challenges involved with doing a real Sprint.

Sprint 0 results in reduced transparency: you will not encounter the real obstacles involved with doing Scrum. This leads to worse inspection and less adaptation.

You can read the rest of the article here



Look at Capability, not Title.

Ever since Scrum became widely adopted in the early 2000’s, discussions have arisen whether the Scrum Team consists of programmers, designers, or other titles specific to the needed skills. Should they be called out by title, or is this a cross-functional team?

With the arrival of Dev/Ops, a surge of opinion pushed that Developer team should be replaced with Delivery team, especially for non-software development (like marketing). Yet, from a Scrum user’s (Product Owner?) point of view they are everyone and anyone necessary to research, develop, deliver, and sustain the increment.

This has unearthed strong opinions. Unfortunately, they don't converge on a single word or phrase.

A Developer is on the Scrum Team … we have listened to discussions about where this leaves the architect, tester, infrastructure setup, and other non-programmers required to “create”  a “Done” increment.

Read the complete article here.

Some of my LinkedIn Posts that are trending... Check the discussion on the page as people share a lot of good nuggets

Something that I realised today... More connected the communities are more ignorance persists. Communities are like birds of the same feather. They will do everything to protect their identities. It’s the same force of bonding which ultimately destroys the creativity. 

Check this link

While bringing any change in the organisations, the focus should be on changing the mental model of the system. This, in turn, will change the subsequent actions resulting in the new behaviours. In my past, I have observed too much focus was given on changing the language and I found it’s ineffective. For example, enforcing people to replace “humans” with “resources” or “Iteration manager” with “Scrum master”. I realised that even after this “enforcement”, “people” were still treated as resources as the mental model didn’t change. I come to believe, Mental models, precede language and not the other way around.

Check this link


Prefer decentralised coordination rather than centralised co-ordination

If you are a LeSS Practitioner, you might have heard this before..


Teams Own the Coordination

In LeSS, the coordination and integration is owned by the teams, rather than by a separate group such as the “project management team” or “integration team.” Meaning?

Each team is responsible to coordinate with other teams to ensure one integrated product increment that can ship at least once per Sprint. Why is this important?

> puts responsibility for coordination & integration decisions and actions with the people doing the hands-on work

> supports the teams owning their processes—and then improving

> reduces delays and handoff

> reduces organizational complexity—no special roles needed

Prefer Decentralized over Centralized Coordination

Centralized coordination techniques are scheduled meetings with people from all teams together, such as Scrum of Scrums, Town Hall meetings, or a project status meeting (often re-badged with an agile label, but no different). Some weaknesses? They increase bottlenecking of information, handoff, delay, “it’s not my problem” behaviors, and... can be incredibly boring!

Decentralized coordination techniques don’t require a central meeting or group, and encompass networks of people interacting. For example, teams working in a shared space and talking, or multi-site teams discussing through a chat tool. They avoid bottlenecks, handoff, delay. But a few drawbacks: getting an overview—to see if issues are falling through the cracks—is more difficult; and information about the overall system is less broad and less consistently shared.

In favor of decentralized methods, they underpin more emergent behavior for coordination, and in LeSS this emergence is encouraged. Why? In large systems centralized and prescribed methods of coordination can inhibit (1) empirical process control and continuous improvement, and (2) teams having a sense of owning these processes.

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I just completed a public course in Perth and with great support from the Agile community here.  Thanks to their continued support and from passionate people around.

Two private courses are scheduled in Australia and Europe in December.  Look forward to public courses in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Perth in 2020.  Possibly expanding to other countries. 

A bit about Empirical Coach

If you are interested in Agile coaching, mentoring and training services, please reach out to me ( We have a team of passionate coaches collaboratively working together and could help. 

Our team has deep expertise in Agile, Lean, Systems Thinking and Complexity science. We look at challenges from different angles and apply tools from various schools of thoughts. This is different from the cookie-cutter approaches you see around.  We are proud to be different.

I have been deeply involved in many of the initial experiments that lead to the birth of LeSS, one of the countable number of people globally.  

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