Dear Staton Parents and Families:

It's hard to believe that we are already in the month of November! We have had so many fun events and raised money for our amazing school and we thank you for your continued support! Please keep an eye out for flyers sent home in your student's backpack as well as the information that the Staton and the PTO sends out on the weekly SMORE text/email that provides details about school and PTO events. 

This year we have streamlined communication via the SMORE, Facebook and Instagram posts in order to reduce the amount of paper flyers, emails and texts sent home. The PTO will on occasion send out a separate email such as this one when we want to communicate directly to the PTO membership.

Please read below for a letter from our Membership Coordinator.

We hope to see you at the PTO meeting Friday and at our Private Skate Night at City National Area on Sunday November 17th 4-6pm. Go Knights Go!

Leigh-Anne Mateyka

A Letter From PTO Membership

"Thank you for joining Staton's PTO! I have recorded your membership form and dues and am excited that you will be part of our amazing group this year. You are on the PTO email list and will receive updates on all the volunteer opportunities and activities going on around our school. Another great way to stay informed is to periodically check our website at or join us on Facebook at on Instagram @StatonPioneers. As a member, you will also be listed on our PTO wall in the Multipurpose Room. Students love seeing their families' names as they walk in during lunch and special events.

Our PTO meetings are held the second Friday of the month at 8:35 a.m. unless otherwise noted (location TBA). These meetings are a great way to get more in-depth information about our activities, ask questions of our administration, and meet new friends. As a member, you are never required to attend the monthly meetings, but you are always welcome to join us at any time. You can help the board make decisions by voicing your thoughts and voting on issues. The minutes to all general meetings are available on Staton's website under the "PTO" section. Our next meeting will be on Friday, November 8th at 8:35am.

If you check-marked an interest in various volunteer activities on your PTO form, I'll forward your information to the members who work on those events, and they'll contact you with more information. You can see which activities fit your interests and schedule.

Thank you again for your support! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. We are thrilled to have you on board!

Amanda Galindo
Membership Coodinator

November 8
PTO meeting 8:35am

November 11
No School - Veteran's Day

November 13
SOT meeting 3:30pm

November 14
Spirit Day
Student Store

November 15
No School - Conferences

November 17
Staton Skate Night at City National 4-6pm

November 25-29
No School - Thanksgiving Break

December 7
Save the Date -Barnes and Noble 10am-2pm


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