November is always a busy month for us at Duke Urology. It is interview season for senior medical students who are hoping to match in a coveted training position in Urology. This summer and fall, we had a record number of medical students who rotated through the Duke Urology clinics and operating rooms, and we are interviewing 40 of the top medical students in the country this month. The medical student rotations were manged by Dr. Michael Ferrandino who took the reins of the Urology Residency Program Director last month from Dr. Drew Peterson after his expert management for the past seven years. The applicants got to see our Duke Urology History Hall in the Duke South offices which is putting our residents' photos back up on the wall to honor their achievement of completing their training at Duke. Also in this edition of the Duke Urology Newsletter, we introduce the newest member of our faculty, Dr. Deborah Kaye, who will be focusing on urology oncology clinically and conducting health services research on value-based care.
As always, we greatly appreciate your support of our Program. All the best for a happy and healthy holiday season.
Welcome to new faculty member - Deborah Kaye MD MS
Dr. Kaye joined our urologic oncology and health services research team in August 2019. She recently completed a three year urologic oncology fellowship and received at MS in health and health policy at the University of Michigan following her urology residency at Johns Hopkins. She is a graduate of the Medical College of Wisconsin and attended college at Washington University in St. Louis. Her research focus is value in healthcare. Clinically, her concentration is on all types of urologic cancer. She, her husband Ron and three children Josse (5), Eva Rose (3), and Keith (1) now live in Durham.
Duke Urology History Hall
Photographs of graduating chief residents had been displayed in the Duke Urology offices until renovations in the late 1990"s. For those of you old enough to remember, these were hung near the old urodynamics lab on the first floor of the white zone of Duke South which are now the divisional offices. The photographs had been taken out of the frames to be digitized and then apparently forgotten. Recently, the photographs and frames were found and reunited. These are now displayed back in the divisional offices with 149 chief residents from 1934-1996. We have head shots of the departing chief residents through 2002 and hope to get those up soon. And, in the near future, we will have photographs displaying all graduates through 2019. We are proud of our history and the hard work and contributions of the urology residents for almost 90 years.
Judd Moul, MD was selected to receive the Outstanding Science Alumni Award for 2019 from the Penn State University Eberly College of Science. This award recognizes alumni who have a record of significant professional achievements in their field and who are outstanding role models for students in the college. Moul, a 1979 graduate of Penn State, was presented with the award during an event on the University Park campus on Oct. 10.
Drew Peterson, MD was selected as the senior faculty Duke School of Medicine inductee into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.
Glenn Preminger, MD , Chief of Duke Urology, was inaugurated as the President of the Endourological Society. The Endourological Society facilitates scientific dialogue among over 1650 endourologists in 83 countries in the form of annual meetings, circulation of scientific literature, innovative research and surgical skills training courses and hands-on laboratory sessions.
Chuck Scales MD, was appointed Director of the Duke Surgical Center of Outcomes Research (SCORES) which coordinates and facilitates health services research for Duke Urology and the entire Department of Surgery.
John Wiener MD, received a five year renewal grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as the Principal Investigator for the Duke site for the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry and the UMPIRE (Urologic Management to Prevent Initial Renal Function Protocol for Young Children with Spina Bifida) projects. Jonathan Routh MD MPH is the co-Principal Investigator. Duke has been one of 14 funded Registry sites since 2011 and has enrolled over 460 patients; it is one of nine sites participating in the UMPIRE study. At the conclusion of this funding cycle in 2024. the amount of grants will have exceeded $1,000,000 since initiation.
Jeff Gingrich MD, was selected to serve a 3 year term on the VA National Surgery Office Urology Surgical Advisory Board (NSO UAB).
DYSURIA members at the 2019 World Congress of Endourology from left to right: George Haleblian MD, Mike Lipkin, Glenn Preminger MD, Chuck Scales MD, and Thomas Polascik MD.
Duke Urology Intern Boot Camp Dinner, June 2019
Seated L-R: Gabrielle McNary (Intern), Jodi Preminger, Glenn Preminger (Chief of Urology), Drew Peterson (Residency Program Director), Leonid Aksenvo (Intern), Zachary Dionise (Intern).
Standing L-R: Christopher Kim (PGY-2), Scott Campbell (PGY-2), Ian Berger (Intern), Michael Ferrandino (Associate Residency Program Director), Aimee Ferrandino
Extracurricular Activities:
Harry Mendez (spouse of Mel Mendez '18), Abhay Singh ('15), Steve Brousell ('20), Scott Sexton (spouse of Stevie Sexton), Stevie Sexton ('20), and Joe Fantony ('18) ran with their team in the Blue Ridge Relay on September 6-7, completing 208 miles continuous running from Grayson Highlands State Park, VA to Asheville, NC.
Shelby Harper: who is spending her second research year in the Purves/Hughes lab was elected into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society..

March 26 - 29, 2020
52nd Annual Duke Urologic Assembly
Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort Hilton Head, SC
April 8 - 11, 2021
53rd Annual Duke Urologic Assembly
Disney Grand Floridian Resort, Orlando, FL