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The Update
November 7, 2019
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See sex ed laws by state with a click

This new resource from Ascend gives you a snapshot of sex ed policy across the country. Simply click on a state to see its laws, standards, and proposed legislation.

Is your state supporting the optimal health of their youth?  

Many state legislatures are facing proposed legislation to mandate contraceptive-based sex education which include:
  1. Requirements to discuss and normalize controversial gender identity issues.
  2. Guidelines to provide students with contraception without their parents’ knowledge.
  3. Requirements to promote adolescent sex as safe as long as contraception is used and consent is given.
These bills are on the wrong side of science. Research shows sexual delay is a protective factor and should be normalized among youth.

Need help? Contact us for information to help you present Sexual Risk Avoidance education as a reasonable, age-appropriate, and community supported model for your state. 
SRAS Training
Sexual Risk Avoidance Specialist (SRAS) certified educators distinguish themselves in their field, increase their credibility, and demonstrate a professional commitment to enhancing their teaching expertise. 

For more information on Ascend’s Sexual Risk Avoidance Specialist (SRAS) Certification program, click here. 
Upcoming SRAS Training Dates and Locations

Austin, Texas
November 12-13, 2019 (Closed)

Conyers, Georgia

December 17-19, 2019

Coming in 2020...

February, 2020 ( location and dates TBD)

Minot, North Dakota
March 10-11, 2020

More 2019/2020 dates and locations to be added soon.

Has Your SRAS Credential Expired?

Stay current by completing our new online SRAS Recertification program.

If you were SRAS certified in 2017 or renewed your certification in 2017, your SRA credential expires this year!   

Not sure when your certification expires? Contact us and we'll be happy to check for you!
State News  
Austin: School district ignores parents' concerns, approves controversial sex ed curriculum

Despite significant opposition from concerned parents, educators, and community members, the Austin Independent School District’s board unanimously approved a controversial new sex ed curriculum targeted at students in grades three through eight. The curriculum includes lessons on gender identity, sexual orientation, and how to use condoms, and encourages minor children to engage in vaginal, oral, and anal sexual activity.

Washington: Public schools discontinue comprehensive sex education after community voices concerns

Amid outcry from parents and the community, Washington's Battle Ground school district will no longer teach comprehensive sex ed, which included topics on gender identity. The district will continue to teach students in grades five through twelve about STDs, including HIV and AIDS prevention, as required by state law.

International News
Pretoria, South Africa: Teachers push back on comprehensive sex education

The South Africa Teachers Union has taken a stand against comprehensive sex education, denouncing it as too explicit and inappropriate for students. The union is encouraging teachers to not teach the curriculum if they aren’t comfortable with it and are offering full support to any teachers who might have action taken against them for choosing to not teach the curriculum.


Congenital syphilis on the rise

Congenital syphilis (CS) occurs when a mother with syphilis passes the infection on to her baby during pregnancy. It can cause major health problems for the baby, including miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, low birth weight, and death shortly after birth. Recently the number of babies born with syphilis in the US has sharply increased.

Teen video game addict dies after binge session

A 17-year old was found dead by his father after suffering a stroke induced by a marathon video gaming session lasting several days. The father is now warning parents about the dangers of video game addiction.

The World Health Organization officially added video game addiction to its International Classification of Diseases earlier this year. The disorder is characterized by “impaired control over gaming” and increased priority given to video games over other daily activities.


Sextortion: What it is and how to talk to your teen about it

Sextortion is a term FBI officials are using to describe situations where predators coerce youth to send sexual images or engage in sexual acts via camera-enabled devices and then blackmail them with the threat of distributing the images/videos if they don’t provide more. Officials have seen a recent increase in the number of sextortion cases and are warning parents to be vigilant.

Many sextortion cases begin with a seemingly harmless online friendship or connection on popular social media platforms and online gaming platforms. Predators then try to move victims into other more private platforms or methods of communication where they can take advantage of them. Conversations that at first seem friendly can easily progress to sexual conversations. Understandably, teens might feel curious and flattered by these conversations and continue to engage, thinking it’s harmless. Predators will often begin sharing and asking for non-sexual pictures but then later ask for nude photos. Or, they may convince victims to engage in a sexual act while they secretly video record them over live streaming platforms. In some cases, they may simply hack into the victim’s personal files.

Once the predator has the explicit content, they demand more with the threat of posting what they already have. This can be terrifying and traumatic for young people, who may feel too embarrassed and scared to tell a parent or other adult. They may comply with threats to try and manage the situation on their own.

Experts are offering the following advice for parents:

Open position for SRA Educator in Rhea County, Tennessee

The EDGE program of The Care Center is a sexual risk-avoidance education program presented to middle and high school students in five counties surrounding Rhea County, Tennessee. The program encourages students to think through each decision they make, realizing that today's choices affect tomorrow's future. 

See the detailed job description here.

For more information or to submit a resume, contact Tiffany Soyster at, or call 423-775-0019. 

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