
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH V8 Issue 19, Friday, November 1, 2019

  • Monday, November 4:
    • LIM Family Session - 6:00-7:45 PM
  • Tuesday, November 5:
  • Wednesday, November 6:
    • LIM Family Session - 8:30-10:00 AM
  • Thursday, November 7:
    • PTA General Assembly Meeting (Has Been Rescheduled to 11/14)
    • Middle School Strike Zone
  • Friday, November 8:
    • PTA Reflections Ceremony
    • 6th Grade Field Trip
    • Progress Reports Sent Home

Monday, November 11:  Veteran's Day Non-Student Day

Volunteer Corner
Winter Concert Help Needed!

  • Volunteers needed for the Elementary Grades Band Concert
    • Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius
  • Volunteers needed for Middle Grades Band Concert
    • Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius

Lost and Found Will Be Donated Next Week
Please make sure all items are labeled with students first and last name.  All items not labeled will be donated on Friday, November 8, 2019.

Middle School Strike Zone
Emails were sent to middle school families this morning with listing of students who will be recognized at the quarterly ceremony on Thursday, November 7, 2019.  Please have your student contact Mr. Bethune with any questions.

Middle School Contest - Design Our Winter Concert Program
Click HERE for full details.
Submissions due no later than Monday, November 11th.
Winners will be announced after Fall break.

Important Dates

11/11:  Veteran's Day:  No School

11/11:  Winter Concert Program Design Contest Deadline

11/13:  PTA Sponsored All Pro Dads Meeting

11/14:  PTA General Assembly Meeting

11/15:  Middle School Dance

11/17-20:  7th Grade Keys Field Trips

11/18-19:  7th Grade Local Field Trips

11/18-22:  Great American Teach In Week

11/18:  Lightning Leaders Ceremony November

11/20:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

11/20:   Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for Stem Level and Above or Donate $6

11/21: 3rd Grade Field Trip (Loftus & Roskamp)

11/21:  Board of Director Meeting

11/22:  3rd Grade Field Trip (Jeffers, Loiacono, & MCDonald)

11/25-11/29:  Fall Break

12/1- 12/21:  Yearbook Presale at Discounted Rate

12/2:  Students Return to School

12/3:  Picture Retake Day & Class Group Pictures

12/5:  Band Concert @ 6:30 PM

12/11:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at noon

12/11:  Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for Stem Level and Above or Donate $6

12/11:  Winter Band Concert

12/11:  All Pro Dads Breakfast

12/12:  PTA SMATH Night

12/16:  Lightning Leader Ceremony December

12/20:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at noon

12/20:  Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for Stem Level and Above or Donate $6

12/21:  Yearbook Pre-Sale at Discounted Rate Ends

12/22-3/8/2020:  Yearbook Sale at Regular Rate
2019-20 Academic Calendar

Trunk or Treat
The only way events like Trunk or Treat are a success for our kids and families is when people come together to make it happen, and a lot of people pitched in this year!

Theresa Gorski, the PTA Trunk or Treat Chairperson, would like to very sincerely thank the following families for taking the time to decorate their trunks making the event extra special for the kids (and who were incredible sports even though it rained)!

Melissa Meeker, Kerry Peters, Jessica Hummel, Jamie Lewis, Becki DiPasquale, Cora Coderre, Shelby Nelson, Allison Brock, Scott Maus, Mary Lian, Lana Foti, Michela Mollick, Janice Rodriguez, Thomas Day, Meredith DeNome, Alexis Cayer, Cortney Conard, Lily Aymat, Sarah Hielscher, Zanza Steed

The following people, families, and groups were helpful beginning to the end:

Debbie Annicchiarico, The Walters Family, the Santana Family, Amie Simmons, Tamara Chao, Michele McDonald, Debbi Owen, The Coderre Family, The Khan Family, The Sfeir Family, The Sylvain Family, The Fox Family, The Rozo Family, The Lugo Family, Mr. Bethune, Ms. Szczepanski, Ms. Gerken, Mrs. Pedraza and the Lutz Prep NJHS kids, Kristin McCormick and of course our amazing Lutz Prep PTA who sponsored the event!

Contest Winners of the Day:

Best Trunk: Scott Maus and his Scary Clown Van

Baking Contest Winners: Haley B., Jack B., Taylor B. Emily G.

Pumpkin Decorating Winners: Gracie M., Maddie M., and CJ A.

1st Quarter Report Cards

  • Elementary Report Cards:
    • Were sent home in backpacks on Tuesday, October 29th
  • Middle School Report Cards:
    • Available ONLINE ONLY on Tuesday, October 29th 

Parents, click HERE to visit the Hillsborough County Schools Online Report Card and Test Score web page. 

If you do not know your student PIN you can click on the "Request a PIN" link on that page and your student's PIN will be sent to either the email address or mobile phone number of a parent/guardian as provided on the Student Emergency Information Card.

October Super Staff
Lutz Preparatory School is Officially on Facebook
Please click on the image to the right or social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School. 

The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.
We Are Fortunate for Our Beautiful Campus - Nature at It's Finest

The fourth graders witnessed a mama turtle laying some eggs and covering them up at recess. Mrs. Jeffers (AKA Lutz Preparatory's very own Jack Hanna) came to the rescue and we have caution taped off area.  The students are anxiously awaiting the arrival of LP's baby turtles. 

PTA Corner
Box Top Collection Season is Underway!
We feel like we had a pretty successful year last school year so let’s do the same again!  We will have an ongoing collection again this year and at the end of every month, classes who have achieved their monthly collection goal of 300 Box Tops will win their class monthly incentive.

Our school collection goal for this year is $3,000 but we would love to surpass this goal!

Mailboxes are still located in the Pre-Prep lobby and the Charter lobby to allow for submissions.  All submissions should be in either envelopes or baggies and labeled with your child's name and homeroom teacher name or on collection sheets that are available to you online that you can print and attach Box Top labels to prior to turning them in to the mailboxes.

All Box Top submissions will be accounted for monthly and credit is given to the homerooms!  All the Box Tops collected will be redeemed for cash that will be awarded back to each homeroom class at the end of the school year!

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