
Hello from gorgeous (and very windy) cow country in upstate NY!

It's been a bit of a while since I've written to you all. It may have something to do with the fact that I'm an insane workaholic whose project calendar can only be valid if absolutely nothing goes wrong (and yes, that's VERY realistic). But no excuses! Got some actual exciting news to share with you all.

First of all, my one-hour pilot for a TV show based on the life of St. Olga of Kiev (Viking Queen!) is about to be sent to 4 showrunners/producers. One of them produced the Ryan Gosling-starring Ides of March. Another was the show runner for That 70's Show. And another directed Heathers. So yeah. I'm a little excited. I'll keep you posted, but everyone who's read the pilot so far has loved it. 

I've also started up my author interview series again, over at my facebook page. I know many of you aren't on facebook ,and personally I'm getting less and less enamored of it, but right now youtube live isn't yet a possibility. It may be soon (stay tuned). In any case, I'm interviewing an author who has agreed to publish under my imprint of Waystone Press, which is exciting. She's a big-5 published mystery writer, but she's publishing a YA fantasy with me. She describes it as a cross between C. S. Lewis's Space Trilogy and A Wrinkle in Time

Here's the event page on facebook, if you're interested. We're going to chat on Monday evening, November 4. 

Bi-Weekly (ish) Links of Internet Interestingness

A few weeks ago, I did a video review of a few recents books I read, as well as Star Trek: Discovery. But it's about more than that. It's about why storytelling is possibly the most important pursuit for anyone who cares about the world we live in. In one way or another, all the stories I'm sharing today are about that idea. 

Book Recommendation

My fellow author and facebook buddy John Kang has released a new book in his Eastern-flavored fantasy world. It's available for a reduced price right now, if you're interested. Here's the excellent cover image and blurb (click on the image to get the book)

In a broken land where conquerors dream of empires, Tomas dreams of a day when the townsfolk won’t taunt him. After all, he’s the fishing village kid with a misshapen face. 

Only the Rune vendor’s daughter treats him well. To win her heart, he relies on a quick wit and local superstitions to convince her he has Diviner’s Sight.

But if he did, he would’ve foreseen magic-fearing invaders plucking out his mismatched eye. 

Or the demon trapped in the glass replacement. It reveals a world beyond human vision, while whispering temptations in his mind.

Stay tuned for some news regarding book 5 in my Raven Son series, coming your way soon!

Thanks as always for being part of my writerly adventures!



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