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"We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.”

—Herman Melville

Meet the Engagement Team!
Meet the Newest Engagement Team Members:
(pictured left to right: Lily Nauta, Sofia-Lissett Kooner)

The engagement team is responsible for almost everything you see and hear from the Everett Program! They are constantly producing new content and planning events to stay connected with our alumni, students, and broaden our networks. If you follow us on social media, ever read our newsletter, get emails from us, or go to an Everett Program eventthey made it happen! This year the four-person engagement team is Savanna Christy and returning fellow and Executive Fellow Sierra Topp who are continuing their work on the engagement team and new fellows Lily Nauta and Sofia-Lissett Kooner. Get to know our new team members a bit better down below:

Sofia-Lissett Kooner: 
  • Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
  • Major: Critical Race and Ethnic Studies and Sociology with a GISES concentration
  • Graduating: 2020
  • Passionate about... traveling, justice and supporting her community
  • Ask her about... video editing, public speaking, and cats
  • Favorite thing about the Everett Program... all the personal development, growth, and friendships that I've gained through my time here
Lily Nauta:
  • Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
  • Major: Sociology with a GISES concentration
  • Graduating: 2021
  • She's passionate about... grassroots organizing, mental health, humanizing homelessness, harm reduction, and climate justice
  • Ask her about... harm reduction in Santa Cruz, vegan food, and farming or gardening
  • Favorite thing about the Everett Program... the opportunity to take action on issues I care about
to learn more about Savanna or Sierra, check out their profiles from the December 2018 newsletter!

Don't Forget to Save the Date!
Everett Program Showcase December 7, 3:30 pm-6:00 pm: We invite all Alumni, Partners, Friends and Families, and supporters to attend our Student Project Showcase. Come hear about the amazing work these undergraduate students accomplished this last yearMore detailed invitation to come soon!
Check out our Facebook Event Page for more details and to RSVP.

We Can't Do It Without Our Everett Excelerators!
We wanted to share with you the people that have committed to support the Everett Program on a monthly basis. We are so thankful and appreciative of our amazing Alumni and friends that continue to be involved in the program and help it grow and succeed. We truly could not be here without them. Here are a few of our "Everett Excelerators", and you can become one too! Click here to support the Everett Program. 

Not featured, but appreciated: Katharyne Mitchell and Matthew Sparke, Rebecca Anne Wage, Yazmin Herrerra, Chris and Gwynn Benner, and James Brassil

Sienna Thorgusen: "I'm giving because Everett instilled in me the confidence and self-efficacy that has carried me through higher education toward a purposeful career."

Tyler Spencer: "The Everett Program was an empowering experience that had a tremendous impact on my time at UCSC and life after. Now that I am in a position to do so, I'm donating to support sustainability and capacity building within the program."
Mai Sutton: "I am in awe of the Everett Program and what it has achieved over the years, and I've come to appreciate how truly rare it is ever since graduating from the program near a decade ago. How many universities can say that they have a hands-on social justice training program that empowers students to be so resourceful and entrepreneurialnot for some profit objective, but to tangibly and positively improve communities using technology. This program changes the world."

Thomas Gelder: "Everett showed me what meaningful work was. There's a 0% chance I'd be where I am today without my time in the program and then as an Executive Fellow, so I am proud to reinvest in the program that defined my college experience and guided my career path."

Check This Out!
1. Alumni Contact Information FormWe would love to get updated information about our Alumni! Check out the form and fill it out if you have updated info we should know about like your workplace, address or phone number. 

2. Everett Alumni Foundation Annual Report 

3. Everett in the News!
Check out these two articles featuring some amazing Everett folks! Ada Recinos and Kayla Gomez were both profiled for difference publications, Ada in the UCSC Magazine about her election to the City Council in Richmond and Kayla in the UCSC News for her work with the Human Rights Lab. 
  • Read Ada's profile here
  • Read Kayla's feature here

4. Impactathon: Our first Impactathon of the academic year, funded by the National Science Foundation is set for Saturday, November 16th in the Everett office at UCSC. Impactathons are events designed to build the confidence of underrepresented youth, ages 14 to 24, to pursue tech futures. For this Impactathon we are focusing on climate justice. Our team of fellows will be facilitating workshops on climate change, storyboarding, as well as HTML and CSS coding. From these workshops, our participants will come together to create a digital story-game advocating for climate justice while telling their personal narrative. If you are within the age range of 14 - 24 and would like to participate or know someone who would, please register here!
Closing Thoughts
This month marks the one year anniversary of the Everett Program newsletter! Looking back at this past year as editors and creators of the newsletter we are able to see how much it has brought to us and the program. We have reconnected with so many of our amazing alumni, have been able to keep our community in the loop on the ever-evolving state of the program and build an amazing set of skills to best communicate our work to the people we want to engage with most and make our program the best it can be. We wanted to express how grateful we are for your readership, and share  these thoughts:  
In this age of connectivity and activism, in the office and around the world we are more connected to the news than ever. However, there are stories that don't make the front pages or never get reported. Especially as we approach the holiday of Thanksgiving, which is rooted in a shared history of indigenous communities and colonizing communities from western Europe we wanted to reflect on what stories we are hearing and prioritizing. All too often indigenous women go missing or are murdered without the rest of their community, state, or nation hearing about it even though they face murder rates 10 times higher than the national average. They are left out of the stories that we are telling, left out of the systems that are created to protect and bring justice to citizens.
The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women hashtag (#MMIW) and movement are intended to bring awareness to this epidemic and the injustices faced by indigenous groups in the United States of America (check it out here). The Everett Program has a history of partnering with Indigenous folks, specifically the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, around climate justice and preserving sacred land, but these statistics go to show there is so much more work to keep doing and many more areas that the Program hasn't entered where we can help uplift and build the capacities of amazing activists that are putting in the work. Stay connected to know what projects we take on this year, and let us know if there are opportunities we have to make the work of amazing changemakers seen or build their capacity to do what they do best.
Want to organize something where you live? Or promote other Everett-related events? Email Mai Sutton at or join the Everett Alumni slack to tell us about it so we can share!

If you have any questions, feedback, concerns, or content to share with the Everett Program community in future newsletters like events, job postings, or alumni spotlights please feel free to email Executive Fellow, Sierra Topp, at
Donate to Everett Here!
P.S. Feel free to forward this to friends, family, or someone who may be interested in the work we do.
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