International Witness
Pantojas provide earthquake relief in Philippines
Witness workers Dann and Joji Pantoja, with PeaceBuilders Community, Inc., continue to be part of earthquake relief efforts in Mindanao, Philippines. The region experienced three magnitude 6 earthquakes in October. Local Davao churches and Bangsamoro Muslim partners are working together to provide relief in the mountainous areas most affected, especially among the Obo Manobo Indigenous people. This is part of the Pantojas’ long-term inclusive development initiative in this community. For more information visit their website here.
Pray that people of various backgrounds will joyfully work together.
Pray for the Obo Manobo people who have lost homes and farms due to earthquakes and landslides.
Request for prayer for new leadership of AIMM
Rod Hollinger-Janzen, executive coordinator of Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission,
one of Mennonite Church Canada’s ministry partners, plans to retire at the end of December 2020. A search committee is forming that includes three leaders from Africa and two from North America. AIMM invites our prayers as they seek to fill this vital role.