
Utah Beer News | November 2019

News & Notes.

A throwback to my reporting days, I usually carry a small notebook around with me. It's by my side when I'm working at my desk, visiting breweries or just out and about.

Tim Haran | Utah Beer NewsIn it, I jot down potential stories and interesting thoughts that pop into my head (after all, you never know what million-dollar ideas might be forgotten after that third pint — or what billion-dollar ideas you'll get after the third pint).

But mostly, the notebook's there to record any beer-related news, notes or events I come across. As months go by and the pages fill, it's clear that Utah's craft beer calendar is regularly bursting at the seams.

Many Utah breweries do a nice job of promoting their events, beer releases or other noteworthy happenings on their social media sites. A few are great about sending regular updates via email (thank you Level Crossing BrewingMountain West Hard Cider, RoHa Brewing Project and SaltFire Brewing, among others). I encourage you to sign up for their emails.

Still, it's challenging — in a good way — to keep up with everything.

A Time and a Place

On social sites (other than Twitter), I'll rarely re-share from another source unless I have something specific to add. So a lot of the "news and notes" tidbits won't make it to my social media. Plus, with 30+ breweries each doing its own thing, re-sharing everything on the Utah Beer News Facebook Page just wouldn't work.

But I do think a lot of the items individual breweries share are newsworthy.

When I began distributing this dispatch nearly 18 months ago, I decided it would be the perfect place to share news and notes I gathered (and it might provide an incentive to subscribe).

The monthly compilation doesn’t include everything beer-related, but it's fairly extensive and it does show just exactly what a thriving craft beer scene we have.

All in One Place

So, I hope you as subscribers enjoy getting a one-stop look at what’s happening in our world of beer. And I hope it helps you to better capitalize on the multitude of events and beer-related activities available to us.

As always, if you have news, notes or events you’d like to be considered for inclusion in this newsletter (currently sent to 500+ beer lovers), please feel free to send them my way!

Thank you for subscribing and for reading. 🍻


Currently Drinking: As I write, I'm sipping a Phineas Raspberry Vanilla Dark Sour Ale from Toasted Barrel Brewery (thanks to Mike the Janitor). How about you?


5% Hits Shelves: A New Era for Utah Beer

5% Beer Hits Grocery Store Shelves

It wasn't a Halloween trick. In fact, Utah's craft beer drinkers went to bed on Oct. 31 knowing a special treat would be waiting for them when they woke up. In a historic moment, 5% beer became available Nov. 1 on draft and in grocery and convenience stores throughout the state.

Learn how we got to this point and read what brewers had to say about it.

5% Beer Here

Slackwater Sandy: A Beer Lover's Destination

Slackwater Sandy | Utah Beer News

Slackwater Pizzeria & Pub opened in Ogden in 2011 and quickly made a name for itself for specializing in innovative pizzas and catering to a thirsty craft beer crowd.

Its second location opened in Sandy in early November to continue the Slackwater tradition. For craft beer enthusiasts, that means 28 tap handles and 225+ cans and bottles.

Read how Slackwater Sandy is positioning itself to be a welcome addition to the south end of the Salt Lake Valley.

BONUS:  Listen to our full interview with Blake Hirschi, the Slackwater general manager who ran point on the Sandy expansion, as part of the Utah Beer News Podcast.
Sandy Welcomes Slackwater

Monolith: Proper Brewing Co.'s First Barrel-Aged Beer 

Monolith | Proper Brewing Co.

A brewery’s first barrel-aged beer is something to savor. Especially when the brewery’s track record is stellar. Monolith, a 10.2% ABV barrel-aged version of Proper Brewing Co.'s Grand Sláinte Imperial Stout, is a limited-edition brew you’ll want to try for yourself.

It aged for about six months in four oak barrels that originally held Grenache wine. After that, rye whiskey. Monolith is a worthy successor.

We have behind-the-beer details from brewers Jack Kern and Jeff Bunk.

The Story of Monolith

Speaking of Barrel-Aged Firsts...

Another local brewery — Salt Flats Brewing Co. — announced it would release its first barrel-aged beer today (11/22). It's a version of Salt Flats' Kilted Harley Scottish Ale aged in bourbon barrels for six months. It clocks in at 9% ABV and is available at the brewery. Side Note: Salt Flats Spirits is in the works for 2020.

And it looks like Level Crossing Brewing might be releasing a bourbon barrel-aged beer as part of its Thanksgiving Eve festivities.

News & Notes

Each month, I gather beer-related news to share with Utah Beer News email subscribers. Much of what's mentioned in this space is obtained from social sites, taproom visits, email newsletters, etc. (and a few are sent directly to me — hint, hint).

There's a lot happening in the world of Utah craft beer, so I hope you find this monthly roundup helpful. Feel free to share it with your beer-loving friends.

It's always best to confirm event dates, times and locations with the individual organizers.
  • Mountain West Hard Cider will release its 2019 Green Urban Lunch Box cider on Nov. 23. This hand-pressed, hyper-local cider helps to support the Green Urban Lunch Box, a community organization that strives to make fresh food accessible and affordable.
  • Speaking of Mountain West Hard Cider, the cidery has a full calendar of events scheduled between now and the end of the year, including Movie Mondays, 2 for Tuesdays Tacos and Margaritas, and Suba Bleu's Pet Portrait Day (Dec. 7). Visit Mountain West on Facebook for full details.
  • South Salt Lake's Level Crossing Brewing is hosting a "Thanksgiving Eve" event on Nov. 27. Look for food and drink specials, plus a raffle and prizes. It will release a bourbon barrel-aged beer as well.
  • Through the rest of November, Trolley Square's Desert Edge Brewery is celebrating a "new look, new food, and 5% beer" (and, perhaps, a new website?) with $7 pitchers and other deals.
  • The Brewers, Vintners and Distillers Festival is set for Dec. 7. It's billed as "a premier event where master craft beer makers, homebrewers, distilling greats and our distinguished guests gather to share stories, craft beer and spirits." The event seems to be an amped-up version of last December's Utah Brew Fest.
  • A BJCP-sanctioned homebrew competition will be held in conjunction with the above-mentioned Brewers, Vintners and Distillers Festival. Entries will be accepted through Dec. 1 (register here and drop off beers at Salt City Brew Supply).
  • F.I.T. beers, a new series from Shades Brewing, debuted in early November. The beers are 97 calories and 5.6 carbs, according to Shades. The lineup includes: Focus Blonde Ale, Inspired Brut IPA and Triumphant Light Lager.
  • In other Shades Brewing news, the South Salt Lake brewery will be organizing a Kveik Beer Dinner at East Liberty Tap House on Dec. 4.
  • The newest Pins & Ales location in West Valley is now open. It features an extensive lineup of Bonneville Brewing beers.
  • Salt Lake City Weekly announced its 2019 Best of Utah winners. Congratulations to the beer-y establishments who took home top honors.
  • San Diego's Modern Times Beer began distributing in Utah.
  • Here are the 19 best beers of 2019, according to Craft Beer & Brewing magazine.
  • In general craft beer news, Kirin's Lion Little World Beverages acquired New Belgium Brewing (via And, earlier, Anheuser-Busch acquired the remaining stake in Craft Brew Alliance (via
  • In not-so-craft-beer news, MillerCoors announced a restructuring (and a new name), via USA Today.
And finally...
  • Get out and support your favorite local breweries on Small Brewery Sunday, which is set for Dec. 1 (it's the day after Small Business Saturday, which is also a good day to support local businesses).

Beer News for Your Ears

The Utah Beer News Podcast provides another avenue for us to tell stories about the Utah beer community. We'd love for you to subscribe, take a listen, and let us know what you think!

Learn More: If you're new to Utah Beer News, please feel free to read our backstory. And, if you'd like to catch up on previous newsletters, you can do that here.
Brewery Folks: Got news or events to share? Don't count on us to find it on Facebook. Please send the info to us directly if you'd like us to help spread the word.
Copyright © 2019 Utah Beer News | Tim Haran Digital LLC, All rights reserved.

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