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Sanctuary Without Heat

Dress warmly again for worship this Sunday (11/17).  Our sanctuary heating system is in need of repair and parts have been ordered, but not yet installed.  Thank you for your patience.

Silent Movie with Musical Accompaniment

Saturday, November 16 --7:00 PM in the Sanctuary

Have you ever seen a silent movie? Sunrise: A Tale of Two Humans is an allegorical tale about a man fighting the good and evil within him. You are in for a unique experience as we present the movie with live musical accompaniment! Considered one of the greatest silent films ever made, it also appears on lists of all-time great movies. 

Advent Wreath Making Festival

Sunday, December 1 at 4:30 PM in Ingram Hall

Our church family comes together to create Advent Wreaths for our homes as a way to celebrate and prepare for the coming of Christmas. We’ll provide instruction and all the materials for which we recommend a $10 donation (includes a reusable wrought-iron base so that next year’s donation will be much less). Please sign up at the Connect Center, you can make your donation on the night of the event. Optional:  bring a plate of cookies or fruit to share at the event. As it turns dark on Sunday evening, we’ll conclude by lighting the first candle of each wreath as a community. 

Presbyterian Women
Annual Christmas Luncheon

Saturday, December 7 at 11:00 AM in Ingram Hall

We warmly invite you to our annual Christmas luncheon Enjoy a fun lunch, shopping (homemade crafts and baked goods), caroling and a fashion show! All proceeds benefit local charities. Lunch contribution is $13; you can reserve your spot here and pay at the Connect Center on Sunday morning. Any questions, call Sarah Held at 707.315.6540. Reservation deadline is December 1st. Invite your family and friends to join us for the special event. 


Youth Led Worship

This Sunday’s 9:00 & 10:30 worship will be led by our youth and all three services will feature student preachers Will Averbuck and Charles Kirby speaking on “The Importance of Keeping Covenant.”


Surviving the Holidays

Thursday, Nov. 14 at 6:00 PM, Room 113

Leaders of our GriefShare support group offer an evening workshop to help all who have experienced loss prepare their hearts and minds for the holidays. 

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14


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