Our mission is to prevent suicides on the Golden Gate Bridge and advocate for restricting access to all means of suicide.
November 2019 Newsletter
2019 Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Statistics
Confirmed suicides January-Oct: 26
Unconfirmed suicides January-Oct: 2
Interventions January-Oct: 140
Suicides & interventions January-Oct: 168

Source: Golden Gate Bridge District
2018 Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Statistics
Confirmed suicides during the year: 27
Unconfirmed suicides during the year: 4
Interventions during the year: 187
Suicides & interventions during the year: 218

Source: Golden Gate Bridge District
A Look Back--and Ahead

Eleven years ago last month, in October 2008, the board of the Golden Gate Bridge District selected as the "preferred option" adding a net under the bridge to deter suicides. This allowed staff to order an environmental evaluation and engineering plans, then put together a bid package. Construction is underway now on the net, and when it's completed it will look like the photo at right. The day is drawing nearer when the bridge is safe for all, and we're grateful to each person who has helped make it happen.
Temporary Lane Closures

Temporary, overnight lane closures started recently on the bridge from 9:00 p.m. to 5 a.m. on weeknights. The closures make it possible for installation of the suicide deterrent system, and will continue until construction is completed. The Golden Gate Bridge District advises drivers to expect showdowns and minor traffic delays during these hours; however, the bridge will remain open to traffic at all times. If you're one of the people who's affected, remember that it's for a good cause, a cause that will save many lives.
Bay Area Crisis Center Changes

San Francisco Suicide Prevention is merging with the Felton Institute, a preeminent provider of mental health and social services in the Bay Area. Meanwhile, Nancy Salamy, the long-time executive director at Crisis Support Services, the nationally-accredited suicide prevention agency serving Alameda County, retired recently and was succeeded by Narges Dillon (right), a licensed therapist who managed the suicide hotline in San Mateo County previously.
Bridge Rail Foundation is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. Safe, secure, tax-deductible donations can be made by clicking on this link. Community support makes our work possible.
Copyright © 2019 Bridge Rail Foundation. All rights reserved.
3020 Bridgeway #179, Sausalito, CA 94965.

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