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1. Archbishop invites church to join a year of service to pregnant women

(Crux) - Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann sees the day that Catholic parishes can be one of the first places a woman facing an unexpected or challenging pregnancy can turn to for assistance rather than think of seeking an abortion. To that end, the archbishop of Kansas City, Kansas, who is chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, invited his fellow bishops to devote a year of service to pregnant women starting in March. In a presentation the first day of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ fall general assembly, the archbishop said Nov. 11 parishes could offer a variety of support services to women who may be thinking about whether to carry their child to term. MORE
November 15, 2019

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2. The troubling rise of do-it-yourself abortions
(PHN) - Pro-lifers hailed some good news recently: The rate of abortions in the United States has fallen to a record low, according to a recent report from the Guttmacher Institute. But the report also included some bad news. Of the more than 860,000 abortions in the U.S. in 2017, chemical abortions increased 25% from 2014 and now account for nearly 4 in 10 abortions in the U.S. And that doesn’t include self-induced abortions, which the report indicates are going up. In 2014, 12% of abortion facilities treated a woman who had attempted a do-it-yourself abortion and suffered complications, but by 2017, that figure had reached 18%. That percentage may still be increasing because of Aid Access, a relatively new abortion organization that aims to push self-induced chemical abortions on the United States. MORE
3. Dayton Abortion Facility Granted License
(NRL) – The Ohio Department of Health has granted a license to abortion facility Women’s Med Center of Dayton. In recent weeks, the clinic had ceased performing surgical abortions while seeking licensure. “Women’s Med Center has struggled for years to meet the same requirements that all other ambulatory surgical facilities are required to meet. These laws were put in place to protect women,” said Stephanie Ranade Krider, Vice President of Ohio Right to Life. “The fact that Martin Haskell continues to seek exceptions to basic health and safety rules shows where his true priorities lie: protecting his abortion business.” Women’s Med Center had not been granted a license since 2012. Since that time, they have sought and been denied a variance request three times by two previous health directors after being unable to meet state requirements. MORE

4. Archdiocese faces third discrimination complaint over same-sex marriage policy
(CNA) - The Archdiocese of Indianapolis on Wednesday defended its decision not to renew the contract of a school employee who publicly defended the same-sex marriages of two former colleagues. Kelley Fisher, who had worked as a social worker at Roncalli High School for 15 years, lost her job last spring after she publicly defended guidance counselors Shelly Fitzgerald and Lynn Starkey, two former guidance counselors who were both dismissed last academic year for being in same-sex marriages, the Indianapolis Star reported. Fisher, who has said she identifies as straight, was an employee of Catholic Charities of Indianapolis, an entity that is also overseen by the Archdiocese. Fisher was contracted as a social worker by the school through Catholic Charities and reportedly received multiple warnings from the school before her contract was not renewed. MORE
5. Population control policies to combat climate change prove deadly, demographer says
(PRI) - A group of over 11,000 scientists are calling for population control measures to avoid severe human suffering from global climate change, a notion a demographer says is heavily tied to money and not actual science. The alliance of scientists signed a paper declaring a climate emergency is at hand and that in order to limit the damage to the environment caused by greenhouse gas emissions, there must be “more control over the massively booming global population, currently increasing by over 200,000 people a day,” the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday. MORE
Major gaps persist in knowledge of the practice of assisted suicide and euthanasia >>
Congress must end grisly treatment of aborted babies’ remains, US bishops say >>
Georgia bill would make 'transgender treatment' for minors a felony >>
“There is no international right to abortion” >>
Sex Trafficking Survivors Reveal Instagram is a Popular Online Slavery Auction Block >>
Appeals court rules against Little Sisters' exemption from HHS mandate >>
Kraft Heinz Pledges No More Porn Site Ads After NCOSE Advocates Speak Out >>
Kentucky shirt maker wins discrimination case over LGBT festival >>
Court Stops Hospital From Pulling Plug on 9-Month-Old Baby Against Her Mother’s Will >>
Town Passes Resolution Opposing Abortion: “Every Child Has the Right to be Born” >>
Bringing Small Children To Mass
(FaithOnTheCouch) - We want our children to appreciate mass, but bringing kids 3 and under to church can seem like walking a tightrope without a net!  It’s easy to think, “What’s the point?.” Even though small children’s brains haven’t developed enough to completely understand what’s going on, with a little help, they can still appreciate the beauty and the ritual of the mass. And you can help them participate in ways that can be very meaningful to them. Remember, very small children are in the “Cuddly Stage” of faith development. They need to FEEL God’s love THROUGH you. Keep your little ones close.  Preferably on your lap or in your arms.  Give them lots of affection and quiet attention. MORE
New ‘Pro-Life Kids’ book teaches children the value of every human life >>
Role Reversal: Children Often Begging Parents To Put Phones Away, Alarming Survey Reveals >>
10 reasons abortion is not the answer
(LiveAction) - Today, let’s discuss ten reasons not to have an abortion. Why not abortion? MORE
A global snapshot of same-sex marriage
(PEW) - Same-sex marriage has become legal in a growing number of countries in recent years. MORE
Archbishop reports on progress of document on marriage and family life
(Crux) - A new “pastoral framework for marriage and family life” should be ready for a vote by the U.S. bishops by next November at the latest, according to Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia. MORE
Viral video of adopted baby with Down syndrome highlights the gift of her life
(PHN) - Recently, a heartwarming video of an adopted baby with Down syndrome went viral, with more than 16 million views from across Facebook. MORE
An Unexpected Primary Cause of Death
(LII) - Government statistics rate heart disease and cancer as the leading causes of death in America today. No surprises there…What [else] they found did surprise them. MORE
Top 10 Abortion Myths
(M-RTL) So much of the abortion debate is based on myths, bad assumptions, bad logic, or outright gas lighting through deception. We will highlight one common abortion myth every month. MORE

The Culture of Life Update is published monthly by the Office of Marriage, Family and Respect Life of the Diocese of Steubenville. Designed for busy people, the Culture of Life Update provides a once-a-month overview of news stories related to life, marriage and the family.  It's a great and easy way to get informed. 

The news provided in the Culture of Life Update is for information purposes only. The inclusion of any article is not meant to be an endorsement of a particular author’s viewpoint, nor it is meant to be an endorsement of the organization providing the information. 

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Office of Marriage, Family and Respect Life
Diocese of Steubenville

409 2nd Street, Suite D
Marietta, OH 45750
Phone: 740-516-9270

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