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Hope you all had a wonderful Deepavali, below is story of Ravan, please read it to your children!

Its the season of sharing and giving
VSF has planned a number of events please participate and enjoy the joy of sharing

Upcoming VSF events : 

1. Nov 24@ 4-6:30pm : Homeless Shelter cooking ,Fremont (10years & above )

2. Nov 24@2:30-6 : ER prep talk @ Olive Hyde art center Fremont

2. Dec 1st, 'Rise Against Hunger', food packing. Families encouraged.  @Hayward at 1:45pm for 4 hours, here is the form to sign up, need 75 volunteers

4. Holiday Cheer for the Needy
     a. Details  can be viewed here:
     b. Rise Against Hunger event on Dec 1st, organized by Ananth: 4082307247
     c. Dec 7th @ Food Drive in Trivalley  
    d.. Blanket drive Dec 14th in Milpitas, Dec 15th in San Ramon.

Table of Contents:

1. Picnic Finances

2. Article by Neeharika Jaladanki on College Admissions

3. Article by Deekshita Chigullapally on Half Marathon Experience

4. Article by Manickam Dhamo on Life Insurance

5. Story of Ravan, Duty before Animosity

1. Picnic Finances

Ever wonder when VSF collects what happens to the money?  The organization is purely voluntary and actually the committee members spend their own time and money to keep it going.  Picnic however involves expenses that is large for the small set of volunteers.  There are 2 reasons for charging, 1 to make sure people have a small stake, 2, it also offsets some expenses.  Here is break down of last months picnic.  We are short about $900+ 

Here is why
Tickets sales -                                                $3570
Various Sponsorship-                                     $4404
Onsite Cash sales of tickets/bingo/raffle -      $2377
Total income =                                              $10351

Food-                                                              $6600
Hall rental & other rentals - $1160+ 300=      $1460
Decoration-                                                     $350
Disposables & Misc -                                      $750
Photographer -$200
Games & Prizes -                                           $1400
Misc -                                                              $700
Total Expenses -                                           $11260+ 

NEGATIVE                                                   $900

If you have any ideas for the picnic please let us know!!

2.  Article by Neeharika Jaladanki on College Admissions

To the Class of 2020:

Congratulations! You are in your final stretch of high school, likely finishing up college applications and stressing about word counts before you finally hit submit. Everything you’ve worked for in the last four years have culminated into these moments as you prepare for the future. In a couple months, everything will start to change—the anticipation, the feeling of starting this new chapter in your life is both daunting and exhilarating. 

The excitement of opening each college decision is now a cherished memory of mine from high school. Each envelope symbolizes the limitless potential to grow, change, and emerge as a confident individual. 

However, it is easy to forget about the journey ahead amongst the stress that comes with personal, peer, family, cultural, and societal expectations that surround each college application cycle. In the midst of it all, it is difficult to not define yourself by the social hierarchy that comes with your college decision. 

Take it all with a grain of salt. While your college choice and decision is undoubtedly important, the defining factor in this experience is you. Remember that this envelope isn’t the culmination of your academic prowess, but the beginning of your adult life. 

Regardless of the college you attend, regardless of the program you choose, college provides us all with the ability to design our own transformative experience. Sure, learning to code and understanding the cardiovascular system is valuable, but your college experience will be so much more than that. 

Perhaps it’s cheesy, but your college experience is truly what you make of it. In retrospect, my most relevant takeaways from college were the personal and professional growth I experienced throughout the entirety of my four years—I learned how to be effective with the resources I had access to, to network, and to adapt to change and be flexible in pursuing the opportunities available to me. Years after completing my degree, I apply these lessons every day and grow these skills further as I pursue my career. 

Undoubtedly, each of you boast diverse, significant achievements from your high school careers, whether it they are in STEM, or student government, or performance arts. Regardless of the decisions that come your way next year, remember that you define your college experience, not the other way around. 

Here’s wishing you luck! College is just the beginning—you’ve got your whole life ahead, and we’re all cheering you on. 

Neeharika Jaladanki is a Strategy Analyst at Centene Corporation, a health insurance company headquartered in St. Louis, MO. She completed her undergraduate degree at University of California, Davis, where she majored in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior and minored in Religious Studies. Recently, Neeharika graduated from the University of Michigan with her Masters in Health Services Administration. Neeharika enjoys continuing her studies in classical Indian dance and music and mentoring students through their college experiences. 


Neeharika is available for college application review, personal statement/cover letter design and review, consultation on college/graduate school application cycles, and mentorship for high school and college students. Please contact at for additional information. 


3. Article by Deekshita Chigullapally on Half Marathon Experience

Never in my life, did I imagine that I would be able to run 13.1 miles: an entire half marathon. But I did, with less than 13 weeks of training. The Fremont Runners Group guided, supported, and rallied my mom, dad, sister and me to conquer our fear of marathons. With the help of motivated volunteer coaches and the camaraderie among all the fellow runners, most of who had never run more than a mile before, us and a few other VSF families, including the Sama’s, Hebbur’s, and others were able to run a half marathon. The coaches taught us every tiny detail we needed to be the best runners we can, from the best shoes to wear, what food to eat, how to place your feet on the ground when you are running, how to prevent or fix injuries from the practice runs, and even the types of socks to wear. We would actually look forward to waking up at the crack of dawn to go to training at 5am. Tuesday’s were track days, my personal favorite, since we got to do sprints and shorter distance runs. Thursdays we ran medium distances, and Saturday’s were the pinnacle of the week’s training, with our long runs. These are what really prepped us for the marathon. We ran anywhere from 6 to 12 miles on these days and volunteers (often the spouses and children of those training) would wake up at 5 am along with us to hand out Gatorade and energy gels at the water stations in the middle of our runs. The race day was an exhilarating, adrenaline filled experience that went by in a blur, not because of how fast we were running, but thanks to the amazing community we built running together.


Family photo at the finish line

4. Article by Dhamo Manikcam on preparedness

Who doesn’t want eventual financial freedom? I bet almost everyone of us is for it. But, honestly, I wonder what percentage of us fully realize how critical it is to have sufficient personal life insurance coverage towards that goal of achieving complete financial independence.

I know most of us take this need very seriously and have already taken appropriate steps.  Unfortunately, a few among us still treat it as an optional step than an absolute necessity. Strangely even those limited few have insurance for their cars!  It begs the question if they seriously think their lives are less precious than their automobiles? If you are one among the limited few, ask yourself if financial wellbeing of your family is any less important particularly, God forbid, if you’re not around to care of them?

My heart goes out whenever I see those GoFundMe campaigns initiated by well wishers for the benefit of surviving family members, in many cases non-working spouses and very young kids. Ask yourself if you want your family to ever go through such an  ordeal should an untoward thing happen to you unexpectedly?

Pretty please, do a favor for me and of course your family. Make it your immediate top priority to get some private term life insurance coverage for sufficient amount. Make sure the coverage lasts at least until your mortgage is paid off plus provides necessary cover for at least a few years worth of living and educational expenses of your surviving family.

Remember even if you have life insurance coverage through your current employer, make it a point to have additional private coverage as the unfortunate event can happen even during the weekend you are about to change your current job or worse yet when you are between jobs due to some unforeseen reduction in force at your company. Mind you, this is not a hypothetical situation that I am talking about. Sadly, I have seen at least a few such GoFundMe cases just in the last 12 months.

Dhamo Manikam

5. Why did Raavana perform yagna for Ram, when he wanted to build a bridge to reach Lanka, to War on Raavana himself?

Naresh Kumar, on Quora Why did Raavana perform yagna for Ram, when he wanted to build a bridge to reach Lanka, to War on Raavana himself? - Quora

Ravana was a Brahmin, the son of Rishi Vaishrava, grandson of Pulatsya. Ram, though God incarnate, was born in a family of Kshatriyas. In the caste hierarchy, Ram was of lower rank. As a Brahmin, Ravan was custodian of Brahma-gyan (the knowledge of God).

Lord Rama wanted to do be victorious in battle against Ravana, and for that he wanted to establish a Shivalinga and worship it. Now to do this, a priest was needed, but in those days there were no priests found in Rameshwaram. So Lord Rama was in dire need of a good priest to perform the rituals.

Ravana’s brother Vibhishana (who was on Lord Rama’s side), told Lord Rama that Ravana was very well-versed in the rituals. So Lord Rama sent an invitation to Ravana to come and preside as the priest for the pooja at Rameshwaram.

Ravana accepted the invitation and came. But then he told Lord Rama that the pooja would be incomplete without his wife being present. No pooja or yagna can be performed without the wife’s presence. So he told Lord Rama, ‘Since you are a married man, both you and your wife have to sit together for the pooja, otherwise you cannot perform the pooja’.

Then Lord Rama said to him, ‘It is the duty of the priest to provide an alternative for anything that is missing. Since my wife is not with me (having been kept in captivity by Ravana at that time), please tell me what the alternative for this problem is. Can we keep a doll in her place as a substitute?’

Then Ravana said, ‘I do not believe in alternative. I would want everything to be present for the worship of Lord Shiva. So I will call your wife here for the pooja. After the pooja, please send her back to Lanka’.

So Ravana brings Sita for the pooja. After the pooja, when Lord Rama and Sita bow down to touch the feet of the priest, that is, Ravana, to take blessings, then Ravana blesses Lord Rama by saying ‘Vijayi bhavaha’ (May victory be yours!). He had no choice but to do so.

When someone touches the feet of a priest, he is left with no choice but to bless that person. So Ravana had to give that blessing to Lord Rama for which He had organized the pooja. He also blessed Sita by saying ‘Sumangali bhavaha’ (May you receive all that is best and auspicious always!) Such was Ravana’s magnanimity. After blessing both of them, Ravana took Sita back to Lanka with him.

This is a very exciting story. We always perceive Ravana as a villain, but even Ravana had many good qualities in him. This is why when Ravana was counting his last breaths and was at his death bed on the battlefield, Lord Rama told Lakshmana to go and touch the feet of Ravana and receive knowledge from him as he lay dying on the battlefield. Lord Rama said, ‘If I go to him (Ravana) then he will leave his body and his soul will merge into Me. So before that happens, go and learn all that you can from him’.

Do you know, there is a Gita by the name Ravana? It is called Ravana Gita.

Of the five Gitas that are present, it is one of them. Just like you have the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Ashtavakra Gita, Udhhava Gita, and Guru Gita; there is another Gita called Ravana Gita (the song of Ravana). In it, Ravana teaches many sermons to Lakshmana.

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