Hi, I'm Amy, and I write this Well Check as a source of information and encouragement for anyone who'd like to receive it. Did a friend share this with you? If so, I invite you to subscribe here.
are you on your calendar?

As 2019 winds down, I realize that although I've had a mammogram this year, I haven't scheduled my annual visit to my doctor, or made an appointment for my eye exam.

I'm adding those scheduling tasks to my Monday to-do list - and putting me on my calendar.

How are you doing keeping up with your preventive and diagnostic visits? If you don't remember the last time you checked in with your health care providers, or how often you might need to schedule those visits or screening tests, you can read those recommendations here

And if you haven't already, I hope you'll soon put you on your calendar.

You matter. You are worth it.

With grace and space for a healthier you,

p.s. If you or someone you know is having trouble putting a providers' lifestyle recommendations - such as diet, exercise, sleep - into place, a certified health coach might be a great ally. Trained health coaches work 1-on-1 with people to help them change their behavior and create new habits. Learn more here about coaching or schedule an introductory session with me here.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." 

 – Benjamin Franklin
schedule a coaching session
Copyright © 2019 Amy Hoogervorst, All rights reserved.

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