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Dear Reader,
This Veterans Day, I'm sharing a picture of my grandfather, Richard. This picture above shows him with two friends presumably before they entered combat in Europe during World War II. My grandfather is the man seated in the middle. I never had an opportunity to know him. He died when I was 2 years old. My mom said that he never got over leading men to their deaths. He was wounded in action. I have no idea who the other men in the picture are or if they survived.
Although I never met my grandfather, I feel a connection to him. Richard was known to be an eloquent writer, and he went on to have a career in advertising and media. Looking at this picture of him inspired me while creating heroes for my own novels.
If you crave a new story of heroes struggling alongside their comrades, visit the Soldiers of Fiction Cross Genre Bargain Sale sponsored by Art o the Arcane. All ebooks will be free or $0.99.

New Release: Werewolf Castle

In case you missed the news last month, I've released the final novel in the Werewolves in the Renaissance Trilogy.

About Werewolf Castle

Thal has found refuge from werewolf hunters and assassins at the castle of his father, Sarputeen. Although the mountain fortress on the eastern fringe of the Holy Roman Empire shields him for the moment, he knows the peace can’t last.

His father counsels war against his old rival who sent servants to murder Thal. But first, Thal must increase his power and that means making a pack. To obtain men to make werewolves, Sarputeen calls in an old debt from the local duke.

The thought of giving others the werewolf magic troubles Thal. He knows that they will be forever bound to him as obedient killers. They will never have normal lives again. Despite his qualms, he is troubled most by the supernatural fext who can heal from all wounds. This foul assassin serves the sorcerer Tekax, and Thal cannot dare to battle them without more werewolves at his side.

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Sincerely, Tracy Falbe

See all of my novels at Brave Luck Books
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