12/11: Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon
12/11: Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for Stem Level and Above or Donate $6
12/11: Elementary Winter Concert (Pre-Prep -2nd)
12/11: All Pro Dads Breakfast
12/12: PTA SMATH Night
12/16: Lightning Leader Ceremony December
12/20: Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at noon
12/20: Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for Stem Level and Above or Donate $6
12/21: Yearbook Pre-Sale at Discounted Rate Ends
12/23-01/3/2020: Winter Break - No School
12/22-3/8/2020: Yearbook Sale at Regular Rate
1/6: No School - Teacher Planning Day
1/7: Students Return to School
1/15: Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon
1/15: Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for Stem Level and Above or Donate $6
1/15: All Pro Dad's Meeting
1/15-17: 6th Grade Field Trip (3 Day)
1/20: Martin Luther King Day - No School
2/6: Grandparents Celebration
We would like to thank all our speakers in advance for taking the time out of their busy schedules to share their knowledge, expertise, and insight about their careers and hobbies. Our students and teachers always love this week of education. Each teacher/grade level coordinated different events throughout the week - see your teacher/classroom newsletter for full details.
Finn's Fight
Yearbook Cover Art Contest Deadline for Submission Moved Up to Friday, November 22nd at 8:00 AM
Yearbooks On Sale
Please note the PRESCHOOL and K-8 School have DIFFERENT YEARBOOKS, please make sure you order the correct one.
Pre-Prep Preschool Yearbook:
Early ordering special through December 21st: $20 (after December 21st price increases to $25)
Holiday Concerts: Kindergarten through 2nd Grade Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Click HERE for full instructions for students performing and guests attending the concerts.
Save the Date: Middle School Band Concert
Thursday, December 5, 2019 @ 6:30 PM
Winter Concert Design Contest Winner
Congratulations to Isabella B. Grade 8, for winning the Lutz Prep, Winter Concert Program design contest! Congrats to all who applied! We have so much talent at Lutz Prep!
Happy Holidays from the Music Department and we hope to see you at our concert!
Mrs. R
Leader in Me 2019-20 School Wide Initiative: Making Kindness Count
Our school wide goal is to have 100% of our staff and students complete their Kindness Counts Bingo Boards that have different activities and ideas for showing ways to Make Kindness Count! We are so proud of the following LP Bolts for completing their Kindness Counts initiative so far. T-shirts are issued each day during morning announcements.
Preventing the Spread of Communicable Diseases
Dear Parents:
We are asking you for your continued cooperation in assisting us to control the spread of communicable diseases ie: Flu, Strep Throat, etc. Our goal is to make our school a healthy, safe place for both students and staff. We will call you immediately if your child becomes ill during school hours. You are expected to arrange for your child to be picked up AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE after receiving our call. Our school clinic is not equipped or staffed to handle ill children for long periods of time.
Please inform us IMMEDIATELY if telephone numbers or other information on your child’s emergency card changes. The information on this card is vital for the safety and well being of your child.
1. Vomiting or diarrhea within past 24 hours
2. Fever (over 100.0) within past 24 hours
3. Sore/red throat
4. Persistent coughing or sneezing
5. Red watery eyes
6. Rash
7. Earache, drainage from ear
8. Excessive mucus from nose (runny nose), particularly greenish-yellow mucus
Your child may return to school as soon as ALL SIGNS/SYMPTOMS ARE GONE without the help of medication or when your physician provides a WRITTEN STATEMENT indicating your child is ready to return.
If your child has a communicable disease, please call/email (ATTENDANCE@LUTZPREP.ORG) and tell us the nature of the illness and when we can expect his/her return to school.
Thank you for working with us.
Reporting Absences
Please review the academic calendar on our school website (linked above) and make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations outside of these dates. Good attendance leads to academic success!
Please review our Parent/Student Handbook Section 400.02 Report an Absence and Required Documentation (page 14). Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Handbook section of our website.
Every effort should be made to contact the school by 9:00 AM. The preferred method notification is via email to: ATTENDANCE@LUTZPREP.ORG.
Lutz Preparatory School is Officially on Facebook
Please click on the image to the right or https://www.facebook.com/LPBolts/. These social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School.
The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.