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Mindy Hibbard Real Estate

Real Estate Market News

Contact Mindy

Minute with Mindy:

RED is the new BLACK:
Do front door colors and hardware matter? The answer is YES! A fresh and inviting door color, along with updated hardware, offer a lasting first impression. Reflect on the message you want to send to those that approach your front door. Classic, timeless, bright, bold or muted. If it's necessary in your neighborhood, work toward getting homeowners association approval for your selected color in advance. Keeping your front door clean and tidy will greet your visitors and potential home buyers on a positive note. They do notice. This impression is lasting and paves the way for your home to naturally say, "pick me". You decide, will it be red?
Contact Tom

Tom's Tip:

Buying a house tends to be a logical process,
but buying a HOME can add emotion to the equation. There are plenty of tech sites that can be helpful in finding a house or in some cases help you with purchasing a house. But, when you add interaction with a person that has feelings, emotion, and your best interest in mind, that person can not only help you with finding and buying a house; they are the only one who can truly help you find your HOME! You can start your search online, but make sure you involve a trusted Realtor® early in the process. They will help you navigate through the entire process as only a real person with logic and emotion can. When you are ready, I would love the opportunity to help guide you through the process of finding your HOME.
"Strong job growth and low interest rates have built up a pressure cooker in the more affordable and mid-price ranges. Strong price appreciation is ahead and we anticipate frenzy sales activity intensity after the first of the year up through the mid-price ranges." -J. Lennox Scott, Chairman & CEO
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We're available anytime to assist with your real estate needs. Whether you are selling your current home or buying a new one, give us a call: 425-350-8893
Helping you reach your real estate goals is our passion, and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you. We would be grateful if you could take a moment to review Mindy Hibbard Real Estate on any or all of the websites below.
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Our mailing address is:
John L. Scott | 12221 Village Center Pl #103, Mukilteo, WA 98275

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Mindy Hibbard Real Estate Team · 15117 Main St · B106 · Mill Creek, WA 98012 · USA

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