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I'm still with my adopted people, here in my adopted city, until January 9. Iconic San Juan Guey, here, can be seen from  every neighborhood in Tepic, the capital of lovely Nayarit, Mexico. 
I speak pretty good Spanish, one-on-one. I can understand a teaching and talk about it. I can chat with taxi drivers about their lives and experiencing God. But sometimes, whatever a group is laughing or chatting about becomes totally indecipherable. I can ask, interrupting the flow, but sometimes it's better just to guess. Faith can be like that: keep moving with His river, even if you're not sure exactly what He's up to.  
It's hard to choose what to share the with you-- so much is uplifting, interesting, lovely, and of good report. A lot is really good. Much is just ordinary, but also good: being with friends, watching kids play, listening to neighborhood sounds. Life is so diverse in its experiences! Thank you for your prayers of all kinds Click here and zoom in on the picture to see how normal connecting with God (prayer) can be. 
Some  ongoing projects and activities:
  • We got the bins for Casa's Bazaar; next are the shelves to further develop that cottage industry. That's Ariana, on the left, Executive Director of Casa de Ninos with the helper at LEY, a kind of Fred Meyer/Bi-Mart place.
  • Communicating with a "Santa," a fishermens' captain in Puerto Vallarta who loves bringing Christmas gifts to the kids at Casa de Ninos. Click to see their heart-warming letters.
  • Setting up the future English Language Library and English Conversation Club Cooperative at CENAY Siglo 21
  • Construction and moving into the NEW old Casa Grace, and preparing for guests
  • Being a part of the Friday morning Casa de Ninos caregivers' prayer group
  • Increasing and building the congregational libraries.
  • Maintaining Gus the bus for productive use.
  • The usual: taking care of rent, utilities, supplies, services, and travel,  
Explosión de Amor, Playa Chacala
The painting reads: "My house will be called a house of prayer for al the nations- Isaiah 56:7" This painting by Sara Hernandez was in the 24/7 prayer and worship pavilion at the 10th annual, De Joven a Joven (From Youth to Youth) Explosion de Amor, a free, 3-day youth worship conference on the beach at Chacala. 800 people from all over Mexico came, mostly youth, but many families, camping. 12 got baptized into Jesus, and all came away with a new sense of being "Sons of God" (Romans 8:14) the theme of the three-day event. I did prophetic art at the 3rd annual, and boy!, have they ever surpassed what I brought then. 100 youth PAID to SERVE at this event. I was blessed just to be there among them, greeting and encouraging friends and strangers. You can catch a bit of the event's and team's fragrance on their Facebook page, De Joven a Joven
While I was in the 24/7 prayer pavilion at Explosión, I enjoyed how well it was put together, (as was the whole event) with paints and paper for art worship, people praying and singing, prophetic words prepared for those who wanted them, a place to make prayer requests. Such ORDER was in the freedom! A young woman came in and pinned up some of the paintings already done and I asked her if she was in charge. Yes. Her name was Fani (Estefanie), 27, and she asked me mine. When I told her, she told me a dream she had with me in it. (She's from a state 8 hours to the south, Colima.). She had seen my picture with REDIME youth on Facebook, where we had done and shared prophetic art together, making "Identity Boxes."
Briefly: I was there in her dream, soundlessly signaling for her to take her place at the piano during an event, it was her turn. She did, but didn't play. She went back to her friends at the event and later returned to the piano, only to find someone else in her place. She was jealous about that, but when the other left, she took her place and began to play. In the dream I was so old I could barely walk.
I was so encouraged that God put me in her dream! Before she shared the dream, I had been feeling a bit useless at the event, not contributing much. I came away from our encounter feeling that just being there among them was enough for God, for me, and for the many I was to have conversations with. Life is like that most of the time I am here in Tepic. I'm here for good reasons that are not always evident. Sometimes I have to guess my best and move forward, knowing that God has me covered. With such amazing friends here, is it any wonder that I want to share them with you and many youth?

There was another supernatural event two weeks later, in our congregation, REDIME. My friend Aida came up to me, surprised, and asked "Did you just get here?" I said yes, but she had SEEN me sitting alone in the front row a half hour before. Believe me, there is NO one else who looks like me here. Through these happenings, I think God is showing me I have great favor with the people here. Wow. Pray that I steward it well, blessing them with what God wants to give them.
Casa Grace ~ Mi casa es tu casa
I want Casa Grace, as a guest house, to become a reality for some of you-- a fresh outlook on your life, a place to enjoy, learn, love and be loved in new ways.

Made Wonderfully Rich 

I am always thanking my God for you because He has given you such free and open access to His grace through your union with Jesus, the Messiah. In Him you have been made extravagantly rich in every way. You have been endowed with a wealth of inspired utterance[a] and the riches that come from your intimate knowledge of Him. For the reality of the truth of Christ is seen among you and strengthened[b] through your experience of Him. (1 Corinthians 1:4-6 The Passion Translation)

These lines of supernatural encouragement ar multiplied in that the Old Gasa Grace, which I'd hoped to buy, but had to move out of two years ago, is to be my new Tepic home next door! Pedro and Gloria are buying it and remodeling it, making it even better than my former dreams of doing so. What a blessing! It's still in process for about another week. Even Gus the bus will have a place to park. What a sign and a wonder, telling me I'm loved and that my dreams are important to Him. He seems to be saying he WANTS me here in Tepic, across the street from Casa de Niños. Soon comes the work of transplanting my "habit"ation and rearranging everything. It will probably be good for me. I didn't even have to worry where I was going to get a stove! Olivia and Dave, aviation missionaries, are moving, and have sold me some of their stuff, including a stove. The revived, Casa Grace is so much more conducive to the Guest House vision: 4 private rooms, hot running water, 2 baths, nice patio and garden, and this huge kitchen (above, getting tile applied by Manuel). The doorway at the right used to be the door to outside.

So many friends! So much to accomplish before the 9th of January, when I fly out! I was challenged by Chris Cruz's "Inspire"  talk (12 min.) at the recent Bethel Leader's Conference. (I met him and interpreted with his BSSM team in Tepic some years ago). His question is: have we let "ministry" crowd out our time in God's Presence? Relationship takes TIME. Being with Jesus takes time. I am accepting that I'm a "leader" here, in many eyes, not just by virtue of being an American, a gringa, but that's important. And I'm VERY busy (except when I'm napping), so the message hit home.
I do need help with any or all the projects above, so if Holy Spirit moves you that way when you pray, money is a great tool. So would be having you here.

I write to encourage you in your life, whether here or there, to be living in the Holy Spirit, making your every deed an interaction with God, Whether guessing the next step, or not, you can count on God's character. May you be blessed with the supernatural nature of your ordinary activities in His Presence, because of HIs own voice and impressions within your own daily experiences, Look for Him where He loves to dwell: in you. 
I Corinthians 1:4-6 

Yours and His, Bernie Weigand
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