And we're back…

Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect,
even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

After a long hiatus, and more than a few fits and starts, I'm back with a newsletter. Thank you for joining me in this forum. I think we'll accomplish great things together. 

It's been a good few years, full of milestones and forays into new frontiers. I published a book, refreshed my website, and learned an enormous amount about everything from ARCs and ISBNs to podcasting and press releases.

It's been an era of personal growth as well. I currently live in a rural part of Northern Michigan, thirty miles west of Traverse City and a mile from Lake Michigan. While I miss the vibrancy of an urban environment, I have learned to embrace the gifts and beauty of the northern woods. Be here, now. “Bloom where you're planted,” as my mother always says.

Above all else, the shifting economic and cultural trends I've observed over the last few years have been like an ongoing graduate seminar in organizational behavior. I have become more convinced than ever of our deep need to reinvent the way we live and work together. Let's do this!

Items of Note

Crafting a Great Résumé / LinkedIn Profile

I published what turned out to be a very popular article about updating your résumé or LinkedIn profile. The gist of it is that hiring managers don’t really care what you’ve done. They may ask about it, but it’s not what they’re trying to figure out. What they care about is what you’ve learned and what you’re ready for. Here’s how to spell those out in your work history.

Check it out: How to Craft a Great Résumé / LinkedIn Profile


Debunking the myth that extraverts make better networkers

The world is awash in myths and bad advice about networking. The most frustrating of all might be the myths that involve the notion of extraversion, often prodding those of us of the introvert persuasion to “just be more extraverted.” While it’s absolutely true that you must be visible to be successful, building professional relationships in a meaningful way is infinitely more nuanced than simply being more extraverted.

Read the article: Debunking the myth that extraverts make better networkers


On Luck, Success, and Our Inherent Interconnectedness

Life — and success — contain a high degree of luck, randomness, and serendipity. It’s not just me that thinks so. Researchers are proving what our intuition has been telling us for generations.

Persistence, fueled by ambition, and a stroke of good fortune are often all that separate the the high-rollers from the homeless. But you have to try. Where would you be if you didn’t even try?

Read more: On Luck, Success, and Our Inherent Interconnectedness

Don't miss the opportunity to share the gift of networking this holiday season. I would be delighted to sign and personally inscribe any copy of Helpful: A Guide to Life, Careers, and the Art of Networking purchased from my website between now and the end of the year. When you place your order, indicate any special instructions for the inscriptions in the “Notes” field on the order form.

All books purchased from my website also include a copy of the companion exercise workbook.

Shop now

What I'm Working On...

It's been a busy year. After mastering the ins and outs of publishing, I've been learning about marketing and working on getting this newsletter together. How am I doing so far? 😄

As the year winds down I am working on a series of three articles for the end of the year on the daily, weekly, and quarterly rhythms of productivity.

I am also in the early stages of developing a number of online courses that I expect to have available in the first quarter of 2020 (Hofstadter's Law not withstanding). Through it all I am enjoying the northern winter and looking forward to a quiet Christmas with my family.

Let me know what you think of this new incarnation of the newsletter and, as always, drop me a line any time. I love to keep up with what you're working on.

To our success,

Copyright © 2019 Heather Hollick

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