'Your weekly dose of creativity' | Renewal #3

Renewal #3

Value your talents
Hi friends,

I hope you have all been alright in the past few days.

First, I want to thank all of you for reading, interacting and replying to last week’s newsletter. I never thought anyone would resonate with my words, but apparently some of you did and it means the world to me. Actually, this introduces what I want talk about this week...
Value what you do best

Some of you might know that I recently entered an engineering school in Montréal. After more than 4 years of not doing any maths, physics or scientific calculus, I was rather anxious about it, afraid to fail because I wasn’t enough. 

A few months later, after doing my best and getting good results, I noticed something in my behavior and my thinking : I tend to denigrate myself for not being excellent in some fields, when I'm great at others. We have this tendency to focus on what we’re directly not good at and let it define us. And, at the same time, we tend to devaluate what we do best : « I don’t deserve any credit for being good at writing or coding or doing XYZ, because it is easy »So we spend our lives thinking that we are failures, when we were born with gifts.

I think that if you were born with a gift, then it’s your duty to recognize it, love it and make it grow (just like a plant). It is your duty because (1) It will always make you happy to do something that you love, even if it’s hard or frustrating, and most of all (2) it’s your contribution to change the world at your scale. Imagine if Pythagoras never learned Maths or if Alan Turing never built the « first computer », how would the world be today ?

Keep grinding and getting out of your comfort zone, keep learning and improving but please, never stop doing what you do best.

— What I learned this week
🎥  What I'm watching : “The Three Year Rule” • Matt d'Avella talks about how he looks at both long term commitment and short-term failures with his "3 year rule". I'm considering implementing it for my content creation as well!
🎧  What I'm listenning to : “The Imposter Syndrome” • Quite on point with today's newsletter actually! This week in the College Info Geek Podcast, the two hosts share their experience with the imposter syndrome.
📖  What I'm reading : A post from the Harvard Business Review on how to Overcome Imposter Syndrome. You can read it here.
— What I created for you this week
Here's what I created for you lately.
You need to find your way back to yourself
A bit of a personal post for all of those that are, like me, on a quest to find themselves.
What's your creative story ?
I'm currently hosting a guest post event about creativity ! Read the post to find out more and apply.
I hope you found something interesting in today’s newsletter. Here are my questions for you this week and I would like everyone to answer: what is one field you honestly think you’re good at? And, what could you do to value it more?
I wish y'all to have a great sunday and a beautiful week,
Mathieu Céraline.
Mathieu Céraline
Park Avenue
Montréal, Québec H2V4J1

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