
Sereia Films empowers people to make better seafood choices by telling engaging stories and hosting community events.

We're an environmental education nonprofit, advocating for healthy ocean ecosystems. We believe our choices matter. Through creative video storytelling, community events, beach cleanups, and in class presentations and film screenings, we educate our community about the problems - and solutions - facing our oceans.

With the help of some amazing individuals, this is what we've been able to accomplish in 2019.

Please give if you can tomorrow!

We'll also be sending you the first episode of our seafood web series. It's not live online yet - just a sneak peak for our awesome newsletter subscribers.

We'd love to talk.

Want to be involved? We're actively seeking board members, volunteers, interns, and part time admin help. Please email
for inquires. 


Our mailing address is:
8550 Byron Ave Apt. 2J 
Miami Beach, FL 33141

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