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Lauren is now representing me in the Northeast states, as well as online sales. Please stop by!
From the show at Lauren Clark Fine Art
in Great Barrington, MA
This tiny painting - on a greeting card - is for sale at Lauren Clark's gallery. Many others, too, including all of my newer work, and a bunch of some of my best older pieces.
See almost all of the available works here at our Etsy Store. She also has some large giclees which I haven't yet been able to upload. Ask her about them! Click on the image (Storm Is The Name Of A Dog) to see the shop.
Dorothy Parker Says.
Well, I'm back in the studio working on podcasts of my stories. 
The series is called True Dreams. I won't be able to do many live shows for the foreseeable future, but obviously doing podcasts will make my work more available to all.
So that's good!
Secret: I'm very inspired by Joe Frank's work. It's not really comparable in content, but I hope it is in Joe's ability to conjure up worlds with his voice. I'lll be getting files to my audio engineer in the next week or so, and then I'll be sharing it with you. Stay tuned! 

Click the image to listen to an early version told at the As If Gallery!
I've been working with one of Bob's sister Ants a great deal for the True Dreams series. Ant - that's her name (fyi a name like Bob is very unusual!) - is a philosophically inclined ant that happens - and I'll tell you how! - to meet up with Carl, Eloise's friend, and they have many adventures driving through the mountains in Carl's old Dodge pickup truck. 
This is latest painting I've done, other than my experiments in self-portraits. It's called The Ravenshead Apartments Have A Wonderful View. I discuss, in a very learned fashion, what this painting is all about at a storytelling art talk deal I did at As If Gallery in Grass Valley CA. Click the image for the whole 30 minute tale!
Words Fail Me!
I made this in summer 2017 - when I was in much better health and in my wonderful little cabin outside of Nevada City CA. It's about anxiety, kindness, and guitar chords no one knows the names of. 
I'm having a blast starting to do self portraits. A friend told me "Doug you'll never be a serious artist until you do self-portraits. So, hopefully, I'm on the road to being a Serious Artist!
"My Blue Period" 6" X 4" on cardboard
14" X 14" acrylic on canvas. I wear the same red jacket all the time, by the way. Part of being on the spectrum, I suppose.
I saw this very real rose, right where you see it, while walking from my house to Nevada City. 
I've had to leave my beloved twin cities: Nevada City and Grass Valley CA due to some intractable health problems that left me almost unable to do serious painting and marketing. I stayed with dear friends in Pittsfield MA for awhile. Now I'm in Chicago pursuing some health strategies. If these work out, God willin', I'll be heading to Mexico to live part of the year at least. I need some serious R and R in an affordable location. I'll be able to keep recording True Dreams from there, and possibly develop a portrait painting angle.
A ver! (Spanish for We Shall See.)
Bye for now! Much love!
Kindness is always possible.
The Happy King (King Felix) awaits.
Copyright © 2019 Douglass Truth Art & Theater, All rights reserved.

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