Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
Somehow November has flown by and it's already December. Thanksgiving in Thailand looked a little different than America, but it was the same in that we were surrounded by friends, family and good food. We pray that all of you enjoyed time surrounded by loved ones and filled up on all your favorite foods while enjoying the great game of American football!

1 Year Down!

We've officially been with Outpour Family Foundation for over a year now and we're so thankful for all we've experienced! This time last year we were staying in a friends home, we had the clothes we'd brought with us from America and all the trust in the world that the Lord would use us however he saw fit. 

Looking back we've grown and learned so much, from how to manage and teach 150+ students English, to driving on the left side of the road and not using the windshield wipers to signal, to developing an after-school program to encourage and empower children to do and become whatever they want! It's been a journey and we're excited to continue to grow in 2020.

As the end of the year nears, we hope you will remember us and our ministry as you prepare to give this Holiday season. We would also invite you to partner with us as we head into this next year by making a monthly commitment.

Our monthly goal: $3000
Monthly commitments: $1050
We're praying for $1950

If you are interested in finding out more, visit the link below.

We hosted 80 pastors from Myanmar for 4 days of teaching, worship and connection. Please pray for these men and women as they go out into their nation to share the gospel!

9 days on an island surrounded by friends, monkeys and blue ocean was exactly what this team needed! Thank you for your support as we planned and prayed for all the things to come in 2020!
If you miss us, and want to feel our warm hugs this season, head over to our store and grab yourself a hoodie! We've taken our designs over to Bonfire to host our new online store. Support our mission, and look good doing it.



1. Our Family - During the week of Thanksgiving we experienced loss. Please pray for us as we navigate this experience and process our emotions while looking for healing.

2. Rest - In this season, not only are we praying for rest for our family and staff, but with the school year coming to an end, we are also praying that our students have a fun and enjoyable winter break.

3. Partnership - God has put it on our hearts to engage and partner with the local church in America. We are excited, but a little nervous to pursue the opportunities in front of us. Pray for wisdom, divine connections, and perseverance as we pray, prepare, and seek.

Join our team!

Thank you so much to all of you for your support and prayers! It means the world to us to have a team of dedicated people on our side.

If you would like to give financially you can click the button below. If you have any questions, want more info, or just want to say hello, you can reply to this email! 
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