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EQUAL@WORK  | November 2019
AI, Algorithms & Recruitment: Equal@work seminar
ENAR's next Equal@work seminar on the issue of "AI, Algorithms and Recruitment" will take place on 6 December in Brussels. The event will explore the emerging issue of algorithmic discrimination and the impact on diversity in our workplaces. How can employers avoid discrimination and use new technologies to further discrimination? Read More
Race and Mental Health at Work Toolkit
Racism and structural inequalities intersect with mental health. On #WorldMentalHealthDay, our new Equal@work toolkit on race and mental health at work explores these intersections and how we can ensure wellbeing and equality for all workers. Read More

ENAR's Equal@work Platform brings together employers from the public and private sector, social partners, NGOs, public authorities and political institutions to explore progressive ways to operate workplaces that are open, equal and free from discrimination.

What can the EU institutions do to improve racial diversity? 
We outline the steps needed in our roadmap to racial diversity by 2024. Read More
UN Forum on business and human rights, 25-27/11/2019, Geneva. Read More
German anti-discrimination days, 2-3/12/2019, Berlin. Read More
Diversity Academy – The challenge: from diversity to inclusion, 3/12/2019, Utrecht. Read More
Convention Diversité et Inclusion, Association française des managers de la diversité (AFMD), 4/12/2019, Paris. Read More
Webinar: A Roadmap to Regional Prosperity: Municipal leadership on Immigrant Attraction and Retention, 4/12/2019. Read More
Women of Europe Awards, 4/12/2019, Brussels. Read More
Formation 10 jours : De la diversité à l’inclusion dans le monde professionnel, BePax, from October 2019 to June 2020, Namur, Belgium. Read More
Online course: Fight against Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia and Transphobia. Read More
TELL MAMA reporting app on Measuring Anti-Muslim AttacksRead More
Data driven profiling: hardwiring discriminatory policing in Europe
The increased use of new, data-driven technologies in policing has concerning implications for racialised communities in Europe, in a context where ethnic and racial minorities are already over-policed and under-protected, according to a new report by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and the Open Society Justice Initiative. Read More
Call for action for a Sustainable Europe by 2030
CEOs have time until 30 November to endorse CSR Europe’s Call to Action for a Sustainable Europe by 2030 and be part of the widest group of CEOs ever mobilised in Europe for sustainability. The Call to Action calls on European leaders to implement together an overarching strategy for a Sustainable Europe by 2030. Read More
Sortie des resultas de l'analyse sur les Stéréotypes de genre des étudiant·e·s des grandes écoles 
De quelles façons les stéréotypes de genre influencent-ils les étudiant·e·s dans leur choix d'études et de carrière ? Afin d’établir un état des lieux des perceptions genrées (ou non) que les étudiant.e.s des grandes écoles nourrissent au sujet des formations et des métiers auxquels elles et ils se destinent, l’AFMD a conçu un questionnaire qui a été diffusé à la rentrée 2018 avec le soutien de la conférence des grandes écoles. Les résultats obtenus ont été analysés et font l’objet d’une nouvelle publication de l’AFMD de la collection « Questionner » intitulée « Stéréotypes de genre : où en sont les étudiant.e.s des grandes écoles ». Read More


The Risks of Using AI to Interpret Human Emotions
A lot of companies use focus groups and surveys to understand how people feel. Now, emotional AI technology can help businesses capture the emotional reactions in real time. The ultimate outcome is a much better understanding of their customers — and even their employees. Because of the subjective nature of emotions, emotional AI is especially prone to bias. For example, one study found that emotional analysis technology assigns more negative emotions to people of certain ethnicities than to others. Consider the ramifications in the workplace, where an algorithm consistently identifying an individual as exhibiting negative emotions might affect career progression. AI is often also not sophisticated enough to understand cultural differences in expressing and reading emotions, making it harder to draw accurate conclusions. Read More
Using AI to Eliminate Bias from Hiring
Like any new technology, artificial intelligence is capable of immensely good or bad outcomes. The public seems increasingly focused on the bad, especially when it comes to the potential for bias in AI. This concern is both well-founded and well-documented. What has led to today’s chronic lack of diversity, and what will continue to stunt diversity, are the human paradigms in place today, not AI. AI holds the greatest promise for eliminating bias in hiring for two primary reasons: 1. AI can eliminate unconscious human bias. 2. AI can assess the entire pipeline of candidates rather than forcing time-constrained humans to implement biased processes to shrink the pipeline from the start. Read More
4 Ways to Address Gender Bias in AI
Any examination of bias in AI needs to recognize the fact that these biases mainly stem from humans’ inherent biases. The models and systems we create and train are a reflection of ourselves. So it’s no surprise to find that AI is learning gender bias from humans. There have been several high profile cases of gender bias, including computer vision systems for gender recognition that reported higher error rates for recognizing women, specifically those with darker skin tones. In order to produce technology that is more fair, there must be a concerted effort from researchers and machine learning teams across the industry to correct this imbalance. Fortunately, we are starting to see new work that looks at exactly how that can be accomplished. Read More
AI Talent in the European Labour Market
New research from LinkedIn’s Economic Graph uncovers novel, evidence-based insights into the state of AI talent development in the European Union labour market, and identifies emerging trends that can help inform policymaking in this area. Human biases are well-documented, from implicit association tests that demonstrate biases we may not even be aware of, to field experiments that demonstrate how much these biases can affect outcomes. Over the past few years, society has started to wrestle with just how much these human biases can make their way into artificial intelligence systems — with harmful results. At a time when many companies are looking to deploy AI systems across their operations, being acutely aware of those risks and working to reduce them is an urgent priority. Read More
Artificial Intelligence Poses New Threat to Equal Employment Opportunity
A new threat has emerged to equal employment opportunity as employers base hiring decisions on artificial intelligence powered video and game-based “pre-employment” assessments of job candidates. The Electronic Privacy Information Center, a public interest research center based in Washington, D.C., recently asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate HireVue, a recruiting company based in Utah that purports to evaluate a job applicant’s job qualifications through online “video interview” and/or “game-based challenge.” The EPIC complaint follows a wave of lawsuits in recent years charging that employers are using software algorithms to discriminate against older workers by targeting internet job advertisements exclusively to younger workers. Read More


Why Imposter Syndrome Hits Underrepresented Identities Harder, And How Employers Can Help
Imposter Syndrome is a feeling that many people experience, categorized by “chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.” While everyone is subject to this experience, people who are underrepresented in the workplace can be hit by it harder. Many discussions about imposter syndrome focus on how an individual can recover from the feeling. However, perhaps an equally important focus is on how to ease or minimize the occurrence of this experience. There are structural and societal reasons for this increased imposter syndrome amongst underrepresented populations and as such, the onus should not be solely on them to “get over it”—employers can and should help ease the burden. Read More
The Day-to-Day Work of Diversity and Inclusion
Most leaders of U.S. companies know that attracting diverse employees is good business. In response, the prevalence of diversity and inclusion professionals has increased and diversity trainings have become the norm. Yet these efforts, at least in their current forms, aren’t boosting the representation of African-Americans in organizations and in leadership roles. What needs to change to create racially inclusive workplaces? And how can managers be the catalysts? Dr. Melissa Thomas-Hunt is Airbnb’s head of global diversity and belonging, spoke with us about how diversity efforts can do a better job of addressing the needs of black workers. She emphasized that there’s no quick fix: “Big wins will come from interrogating seemingly mundane practices and processes, and holding managers and leaders accountable for progress toward your organization’s aspirations.” Read More
Catalyst Research Looks Inward and Outward to Provide Actionable Guidance for Leaders
The latest Catalyst research, Getting Real About Inclusive Leadership—Why Change Starts With You, has uncovered a model of inclusive leadership—Leading Outward, Leading Inward—that boosts an employee’s experiences of being valued, authentic, trusted, and psychologically safe at work. In this study of 2,164 employees across the globe, Catalyst tested the outward-inward model to examine how leaders build inclusive workplaces through both actions that support their teams and an inner focus on learning and personal reflection. Read More
6 Steps Everyone Can Take To Become An Ally In White, Male-Dominated Workplaces
A large number of scientific, technical and academic professions — including computer programming, mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, etc. — are inordinately dominated at all levels (undergraduate, graduate school, early career, senior positions) by white males. The gender and racial disparities in these (and other) fields cannot be explained away by the "inherent differences" hypothesis. However, there are real, ubiquitous, and pervasive problems that disproportionately affect women, people of color, and all underrepresented minorities. This includes not only harassment, but many inappropriate behaviors that add up to send the toxic message of, "you don't belong here." Thankfully, more and more voices are speaking up to counter that message. Here are six steps that you can take to help. Read More
Why So Many Organizations Stay White
Organizations are not race neutral. Hiring for elusive notions of “fit,” locating operations in largely white communities, mandating dress and grooming rules rooted in European beauty standards, and expecting non-white employees to code-switch can all subtly disadvantage non-white employees. By leaving white organizations racially unmarked, it becomes difficult to explain why several decades of antidiscrimination and diversity policies ostensibly aimed at equalizing opportunity have done little to alter the overall distribution of organizational power and resources. Such organizational policies, while sometimes helpful in increasing minority representation, fail to address the racial hierarchies historically built into American organizations. Rather than asking how to bring diversity into the workplace, a better question is why so much power and organizational authority remain in white hands. Read More
New Study Points to Diversity and Inclusion as Key Driver to Company Success
A recent study focusing on diversity in the workplace found a strong correlation between diversity and inclusion functions and corporate business strategies that if well-aligned will reap a distinct positive impact on the organization’s reputation, employee retention and financial success. After reading extensively about increased visibility on the work and investment that companies were making in D&I, researchers noticed a significant gap in the field. “We were surprised to find that there was very little research available that looked at the role of chief diversity officer as a whole,” said Tai Wingfield, Weber Shandwick’s senior vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion practice. Read More
Discrimination at work: a self-fulfilling prophecy? 
Up until now, the research that has attempted to measure discrimination and explain its effects through either of these two channels, have focused on hiring and wage outcomes. But an important and little studied question is about how discrimination affects workplace productivity, i.e. after the point of hire. We find that discrimination does indeed negatively impact the productivity of minority workers, but, importantly, that it can also contribute to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Since discrimination depresses minority productivity, minorities become less productive on average, thus potentially confirming the discriminatory priors of the firm. Read More
Getting Schooled on Diversity
The lack of diversity in leadership positions does not coincide with the pool of MBA graduates. What can organizations do to address this concerning representation gap? Read More
NGO reveals German firms fail to meet UN human rights rule
A new report published revealed that 90 percent of the 20 largest German companies failed to present fairly and clearly how they manage the human rights risks of their workers and suppliers. After looking at their policy commitments, the existence of grievance and remedy mechanisms, and how they monitor and evaluate human rights risks and impacts, the study found that none of Germany's largest companies met the basic human rights standards set up by the German action plan on human rights and business. Read More
My time on The Apprentice taught me a lot about black men in business
There is a lack of black men in senior positions. We need to tackle the discrimination that is holding so many people back. People naturally tend to give opportunities to those who look like them and fit into their organisation’s culture. For this reason, many black males are not promoted into leadership positions, or given investment for their startups. But without these opportunities, how can black men then gain the required experience to fully succeed? Read More
Augsburg: Open for Business
In the mid-sized German city of Augsburg, an immigrant recruitment campaign starts pre-arrival, and puts employers first. Migranet helps employers with no experience in hiring immigrants overcome their hiring biases and develop positive attitudes that help new arrivals thrive in their jobs. Read More
Poland: 1st Diversity & Inclusion Rating in Poland 
On October 21 Responsible Business Forum in Poland published the first edition of Diversty&Inclusion Rating – a tool created by RBF (coordinator of Diversity Charter in Poland) and Deloitte. There are five companies included in the first edition of D&I Rating: BNP Paribas Bank Polska, Citi w Polsce, DNB Bank Polska, ING Bank Śląski and NatWest Poland. Read More
La Stib attaquée pour discrimination à l’embauche
Une action en justice est en cours contre la Stib pour discrimination à l’embauche à l’encontre d’une femme voilée. La société de transports publics conteste la version d’Unia et de la Ligue des Droits Humains. La plaignante a postulé pour deux postes, l’un de « legal officer » et l’autre de « Business analyst », deux fonctions qui ne sont donc pas en contact avec le public. Dans les deux cas, son évaluation était bonne, assurent Unia et la LDH, la plaignante estimant que c’est son intention de garder son voile qui a été à l’origine de son non-engagement. Read More
Racisme: 85% des Français veulent renforcer les sanctions contre les employeurs coupables de discriminations
Le baromètre 2019 des luttes contre les discriminations, commandé par la Fédération nationale des Maisons des potes à l'institut Harris Interactive et publié jeudi 31 octobre, montre que les mesures de lutte contre les inégalités, notamment au travail, sont accueillies positivement par les personnes interrogées, mais les mesures liées à la citoyenneté continuent de diviser. Read More
European Equality Law Review
This second issue of the 2019 European Equality Law Review provides an overview of legal and policy developments across Europe and reflects the state of affairs from 1 January to 30 June 2019. This Law Review opens with four in-depth analytical articles - including an article investigating the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning the access of female workers to the labour market, and an article examiningthe implementation of the shift of the burden of proof in non-discrimination cases, focusing on Belgium, France and Ireland. Read More
Critique du terme « diversité » : diversity washing et déshumanisation
Il est devenu indéniable que le mot « diversité » est à la mode et se retrouve un peu dans toutes les bouches de personnes travaillant dans le domaine social et maintenant économique. Si les entreprises et associations ont compris les intérêts d’avoir une équipe composée de profils divers, il n’en reste pas moins que la « diversité » et ce qu’elle implique posent question. Read More
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Funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020), the Open Society Foundations, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

The content of this newsletter cannot be considered to reflect the views of ENAR, the European Commission or any other body of the European Union, the Open Society Foundations, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, or the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. The European Commission, the Open Society Foundations, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.