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SIETAR Italia and SIETAR France invite you to 

Education, condition, and social (inter)action of migrant women in Italy and France

A webinar to be held on December 6th, from 5h30 pm till 7h00 pm
Migrant women, whoever they are, have a tremendous weight to carry. They are women, sharing an ontological feminine character and destiny with other women.
They are intellectuals, professionals, mothers, singles, unmarried, divorced, and they embody the culture of their country of origin, mysterious and radically “other”.
Their tasks are not always easy to achieve. Migrant women, often, have family and child care responsibilities and are doubly disadvantaged – as women and as migrants. This affects their employment outcomes in comparison to migrant men and to majority population women.


They are supposed to live in Western countries (Italy and France), where they can learn about autonomy, self-esteem, and emancipation, about the hosting culture(s). Thus, migrant women are often portrayed as possible mediators between supposedly radically different cultures.
But who are the migrant women? What is their education? What is their condition? 
What do we know about their social (inter)action?

A virtual dialogue with Maria Mihaela Barbieru (Sietar Italia), Grazia Ghellini (Sietar France), and Hamid Zanaz (Algerian writer and journalist)
For further information click here.
For registration click here

If you are an interculturalist, a woman who decided to leave your country of origin, a professional who works with migrants of any background and want to deepen, share and debate together on this delicate topic, we invite you to attend this webinar.

 SIETAR Europa announces the December 2019 - February 2020 journal edition
The latest issue covers:
- three articles about the Italian culture as seen and felt by different expatriates and how Italy has transformed their outlook in life
- an interview with Tamara Thorpe, the newly elected President of SIETAR Europa. Her dynamic personality and perspective of the intercultural community provide for a very lively talk
- Milton Bennett interesting interpretation of power and how we use it towards our leaders and social activities.

You can download the journal here.
SIETAR Italia _Ricerca Volontari

SIETAR  Italia è alla ricerca di volontari per ampliare il suo team di lavoro.

Sei una persona di talento?
Sei una persona dinamica?
Ti piace metterti in gioco in contesto interculturale?

Per dettagli sulle posizioni ricercate clicca qui.
Vi comunichiamo che, per ragioni organizzative, l'evento I promessi sposi di Massimo D’Anolfi e Martina Parenti è stato riprogrammato al 2020, in una data che presto annunceremo.
Cari soci, amici e simpatizzanti di SIETAR Italia saremo felici di rivedervi in occasione dei nostri eventi.
La nostra ricerca di volontari continua. Ringraziamo le persone che hanno risposto finora, offrendo il loro contributo. Speriamo e auspichiamo che sarete numerosi!
Il Team di SIETAR Italia
SIETAR è l'acronimo di Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research.
Vorresti diventare membro di SIETAR Italia - clicca qui per ulteriori informazioni!​

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