
Listen on Podbean: The 7 Pillars of Forgiveness - Your Guide to Complete Forgiveness
Forgiveness is possible as you love yourself and others, unconditionally.  When you choose to forgive another or yourself, it is because you wish to let go of suffering; to free yourself to live in the present; and to dream of the future because you have completed the work of 'for' 'giving', for releasing your attachment to the past.  The past was never in your control.  If you are forgiving another, it is so that you can have a relationship with them in the present if you so choose.  In this episode, we discuss what it means to forgive; how you know that you have forgiven completely; and how you can do this so that you are no longer carrying the weight of the past with you.  


In each episode, find: TRUTH SERUM, A-HA MOMENTS, and PRACTICAL WISDOM for living enlightened.

TRUTH SERUM:  A new way of thinking about forgiveness that transcends all world religions and is the most direct path to inner peace:  Forgiveness Comes From Love.

To forgive, first decide to accept; to make peace with whatever has happened by acknowledging that the past is unchangeable.  Then you can begin to hold compassion and love towards the person (and yourself) in the present.  Your love directed towards another or unto yourself is the most powerful tool for forgiveness.

A-HA MOMENTS:  Forgiveness is: (Hint: break it into two words) 'for' 'giving' yourself the freedom to let go of the past and whatever has happened including what you or others have done that is not a true portrayal of who you are.  Forgiveness is 'for''giving' acceptance to what has already happened; and what you have no power to change, only the power to live from the present moment. 

PRACTICAL WISDOM:  You will know when forgiveness has been completed because you will be able to think about the other person, yourself, or the situation and no longer feel the hurt, anger, (or self-loathing) that was once present.  You will instead feel an ease and lightness in your heart centre, and you will be able to identify the feeling of unconditional love and acceptance that comes about from making peace with what 'is'.

"It is your actions and mindset of the present, that allow you to make peace with your past."


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