A greeting from CIGLR

The Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research extends our thanks to all of our partners, supporters, friends, and family who work together to keep the Great Lakes great!

We wish you a special holiday season filled with love and joy.


Bradley J. Cardinale, Ph.D.

Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability
Director, Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research


As one of 16 NOAA Cooperative Institutes, CIGLR helps NOAA accomplish its goals for research and management of the Laurentian Great Lakes by leading exciting new research efforts, training the next generation of Great Lakes scientists, expanding NOAA research in the Great Lakes through our Consortium, and translating research into actionable science to meet societal needs. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) is our primary NOAA sponsor and home of CIGLR research personnel.

Our mailing address is:
440 Church Street
Office #G110
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109

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Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research · 440 Church Street · G110 CIGLR Office · Ann Arbor, Mi 48109 · USA

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