
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
As the year comes to a close, there is much to reflect on across the TIPTOP countries and a lot to be hopeful for as we look to 2020.  This year has yielded a remarkable increase in uptake of IPTp3* coupled with a steady increase overall in antenatal care utilization (ANC).  Feedback from key Ministry of Health stakeholders across our target countries reinforces TIPTOP’s strategy is working to create more opportunities for pregnant women to receive the care they need. 
Following a positive mid-term review with Unitaid and a strong implementation start in our Phase 2 sites, we are ready to propel our efforts, doing and learning more as well as continuing on a path towards sustainability and scale up.  The year 2019 was an exciting and important year and we are poised for 2020 to continue helping to reach more pregnant women in the fight against malaria and to achieve optimal pregnancies. 
Please enjoy the holidays and take time to view the video below which showcases the essence of TIPTOP and the important work communities and health workers lead every day to ensure eligible pregnant women are protected from malaria.
*IPTp3: three doses of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy with quality assured sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (QA SP)

Voices from the field

"I like giving SP to pregnant women because I'm contributing to better health in my community.  Before community health workers people didn't know about ANC and the services available at the health facility. Now I am the link to this." 
Elias João Jamire, Community Health Worker (CHW), Nacuca 1 Community, Meconta, Mozambique
Want to stop malaria? Take care to the community! 
See how TIPTOP is making this happen
Some new faces of TIPTOP Phase 2 - Mozambique
From top left: Cristina Rati Sualé, CHW Namahala, Murrupula, Mozambique; André Lâmina, M&E Focal Point, Meconta, Mozambique;  Esperança Sambo, Community Officer, Meconta, Mozambique; Eusébio João Cristovão, Lay Community Counselor, Namahala, Murrupula, Mozambique
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