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Columbia Slough Watershed Council. Education. Restoration. Recreation.
Look back with pride
Annual report cover image - four people paddling in a canoe on the Columbia Slough
We’ve had quite a year, and lots to show for it! I am thrilled to present the Columbia Slough Watershed Council’s annual report, which tells the story of all the fun, learning and good you did with us from July 2018 to June 2019. 

We have so much to be proud of – from cleaning our waterways, to teaching kids about groundwater and taking new friends on their very first paddle. Open up the report and look back with pride on everything we have achieved together. 
Read on!
Because of you...
The Columbia Slough watershed is better because of you! Please make a tax-deductible donation today to help us reach our year-end fundraising goals and bring about an even more prosperous watershed in 2020.
Donate now
Here's to another great year of outreach, education and stewardship!
Image of Cathy Kellon

Cathy Kellon, 
Executive Director

Check out these report highlights!

Thank you

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