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Welcome to 3 Bullet Thursday! 

Each week I'll send you the three most compelling ideas, facts, studies and/or products related to nutrition, health and wellness that I have to share.

As promised, for the detox overachievers in the fam:
3 natural ways to go the extra detox mile: 2 physical, 1 emotional.. though they're all connected, of course.

Here are links to the first two issues of this detox series for your review:

Part 1: how fiber, water and breath allow our bodies to use their innate ability to detoxify
Part 2: how exercise, sleep and what we use for cleaning and self care contribute to how well our bodies are able to naturally detox

  • Chlorella
Chlorella, a green sea algae, is the oldest known food on earth, which is ironic because this OG superfood is perfect for addressing our 21st century toxicity challenges.

I've talked about Chlorella on multiple occasions in 3BT as well as with many of you personally because of its broad, unique and remarkable healing and wellness properties. 

In Ayurveda, India's ancient health science, Chlorella supplies ojas, which loosely translates to “vitality” or “life force.”
In Chinese Medicine, one of Chlorella’s benefits is that it supplies yin energy, which means that it is restorative at the deepest levels of the body, calming to the nervous system and generally rejuvenative and nourishing.

Chlorella is an excellent source of plant based protein and fat and boasts an impressive vitamin and mineral profile, as well as cell protectant and anti-aging properties.

But today we focus on its most unique feature: its ability to remove heavy metals from the body.

We are all taking in more heavy metals than we know, in our regular, day to day consumption.
Much of our world's food, water and medical supply contain lead, mercury, fluoride, cadmium and other metals. These can affect our bodies and minds in many ways, none of them positive. 

Chlorella has one of the highest chlorophyll contents of any food on the planet, which is one of nature’s most potent detoxifiers.
And research has shown that Chlorella algae has other special compounds within its cell wall that also work to collect these metals as well as harmful chemicals and other unwanted substances from the body and escort them out through our natural detox channels. 

Here is the supplement I take. 20 small tablets, every other day. 
As long as the Chlorella pills, tablets and/or powders are not adulterated with any additives whatsoever and only contain 100% Chlorella and nothing else, they are good to go.

As a side note: Chlorella has been shown to protect from the organ and tissue damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation as well as greatly strengthen the immune system overall.

  • Oil Pulling
3500 years ago, a powerful detox practice was born in the heart of India.
In Ayurveda, it is said that oil pulling is highly therapeutic for over 30 systemic diseases. The technique is touted as a panacea, or cure-all.
It has also been put to the test in many modern studies showing it is highly detoxifying and healing effects.
One such study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information states that: “Oil pulling activates salivary enzymes which absorb toxins such as chemical toxins, bacterial toxins and environmental toxins from the blood… Thus, oil pulling detoxifies and purifies the entire human body.”

Here's what to do:

First thing in the morning, before you brush your teeth or eat anything (drinking water before is ok), place a tablespoon of your oil of choice (sesame, sunflower, coconut) in your mouth. (I use (organic, unrefined, virgin) coconut oil as I find it the most palatable.) 

Swish in mouth, forcing through all teeth and across all areas of your gums.
Really aim to get the oil into every nook and cranny of your mouth - there are billions of microorganisms in there to catch!

Do this for 10-20 minutes. You can start with 5 minutes for a few days, then 10 minutes for a few and work your way up..

Breathe through your nose, do not swallow. When you're done, spit into a trash can or toilet rather than down a sink, as it can clog the drain, then rinse your mouth out and brush your teeth.

Oil pulling is not only an over achieving detox practice, but it keeps bad breath away, whitens our teeth and keeps our mouths clean and healthy, helping us avoid cavities and other teeth and gum issues.
  • Emotional Detox 
The following is an in-the-moment mental practice from the Law of Attraction to detox worry and anxiety whenever it arises.  
This is something to practice, practice, practice until it becomes your default.
As you practice this, its effects will get stronger and it will activate through your brain and nervous system naturally.

When you feel anxiety of any kind, in any situation, put all your thought with laser focus on the question:
"What do I appreciate right here, right now?"

If you at a party and you're feeling nervous, anxious or the like.. look around and take note of anything you're happy to see or be experiencing.
Some examples are: 
"This music's really good. I'm so glad they're playing Yacht Rock."
"I love that they have so many vegan options at the buffet.."
"Oh, there's Bev - I'm so happy she's here.." 
Pretty much anything that's positive and happening in your NOW, focus on it, and stick with those answers, stay with them, until you feel relief and your vibration rise, because you will.  

It sounds simple, and it is, but it's also very effective because it gets us clearly focused on gratitude, which is a huge, drastic and positive departure from the way we're thinking when we feel anxious or fearful.

The truth is, anxiety is not a big bad monster, it's simply a vibrational state.
As human beings, we are more powerful than any vibration that finds us. We are creators, not reactors.
Create the vibration you want with simple, gentle thoughts of appreciation. 
Try it and keep trying it until it's your sweet go-to. 

Tonight is the last full moon of the decade! Here's a shot of it as it came over the mountain, over ice capped trees last night. Sending blessings and love! 


Replies and idea contributions are always welcome and if you enjoy 3 Bullet Thursday, please forward to a friend who would enjoy it too or reply and ask me to add!

Do you experience day-to-day anxiety, have trouble sleeping, or are you managing an autoimmune condition? Or maybe you just want to supplement your diet and lifestyle to experience more full homeostasis in the mind and body..
I carry organic, full spectrum, medical grade CBD oil in my practice that can deeply address all these concerns and many more in a smooth and natural way.
I also provide consulting with schedule and dosing.
I will mail the oil to you free of charge and consulting is free as well.
Check out my previous bullets about CBD and reply to this email if you're interested in purchasing or learning more.

Know someone who could benefit from one-on-one health coaching to improve their life through simple and gradual changes to diet and lifestyle? Please feel free to introduce us via email and we can set up a free health strategy session! 

Check out my website for information about my health coaching programs.

With love,

Beth Klein

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